baby family smoke near pregnant women Do not smoke near pregnant women. Dangerous! Cigarettes and smoke contain thousands of chemicals that are dangerous if inhaled by anyone, especially pregnant women. Cigarette… Written By steffany amor Tuesday, August 13, 2019 Add Comment Edit
baby family heal This is how to hold a newborn baby Having a baby is a happy thing. But for new parents, there are some things that are often confusing, for example how to hold a ne… Written By steffany amor August 13, 2019 Add Comment Edit
baby family heal Understand baby sleep that is leaning and baby's safe sleeping position As a rule, your baby is always classified as a baby who will spend time sleeping. We must understand the position of the baby sle… Written By steffany amor August 13, 2019 Add Comment Edit
baby family heal The importance of burping for babies Basically, burping in babies is normal and not a problem. Even burping helps the baby to release excess gas from the stomach. Whe… Written By steffany amor August 13, 2019 Add Comment Edit
baby family heal Save the Baby from Sudden Death Infants under the age of one who sleep with parents in different beds can reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).… Written By steffany amor August 13, 2019 Add Comment Edit
baby family heal Various Benefits of Telon Oil for Babies Not only heating, telon oil also has many benefits. That's a lot of parents who apply telon oil to the baby's skin, espec… Written By steffany amor Monday, August 12, 2019 Add Comment Edit
baby family heal Amazing Facts about the Benefits of Talking to the Fetus Today, doctors realize that babies begin to get to know the world around them directly from the womb. The learning process that i… Written By steffany amor August 12, 2019 Add Comment Edit
baby family Tips for Choosing a Safe and Useful Baby Balm Baby balm is often chosen by parents as a topical medication to help relieve the symptoms of flu and cough that occur in childre… Written By steffany amor Sunday, August 11, 2019 Add Comment Edit