How to deal with head lice in children

If you consider fleas to be related to social status or lack of hygiene, then this is not entirely true. Hair that is clean and washed frequently can be a target for head lice. This is unusual. I'm surprised to find fleas in Little.
Hair lice are parasitic insects that have six adult feet, about the size of sesame seeds. These lice live on the scalp and neck while sucking human blood in these places. While lice eggs are pale yellow or brown, they usually stick near the base of the hair. At first glance it does look like dandruff, but it can't be broken just by combing.


Although they do not cause serious illness, head lice are very irritating and can easily spread to other people's heads.

Head lice are more common in children, especially in kindergartens and elementary schools. Therefore, children of this age play more often together, so it is more likely to occur in the hair. In addition, parents or other adult family members can also catch fleas from their children. Some objects that may be a means of transmission of head lice include combs, hats, hair clips and hair accessories.

The mother can recognize the symptoms of a child affected by lice, which is when he continues to scratch the scalp due to itching. The itching may only appear a few weeks after the lice eggs are attached to the baby's head.

The itching caused by tick bites is an allergic reaction. If excessive scratches can leave scars. Although not uncommon, these wounds can cause infections, which are marked by the scalp or around the neck, appear reddish, swollen, painful and can be accompanied by lymph nodes in the neck to become swollen. See a doctor immediately if you find this condition.
Get rid of annoying fleas

Head lice will not disappear without treatment, Bun. The good news is that lice can be eradicated naturally and with a variety of anti-hair products, such as shampoos, creams, and lotions, which are sold freely or by prescription. Go, follow the instructions below:

  • Combing your hair while your hair is still wet can help you lay eggs on your hair strands.
  • Wash your hair with antipyretics according to instructions for use. Repeat washing the hair with this medicine after 7 to 10 days to kill the lice that have just hatched.
  • Dip the comb and various hair accessories, such as headbands and hair clips, in alcohol or flea shampoo for one hour. Wash with hot water.
  • During the treatment period, avoid drying the child's hair with a hair dryer, Mother, to prevent head lice from moving to another place.
  • Avoid using conditioners or shampoos that contain conditioner before applying lice medicine.
  • Avoid giving the same drug more than 3 times to 1 child. If the drug proves ineffective, ask your doctor to prescribe other medicines.
  • Avoid using 2 different types of drugs simultaneously.
  • Over-the-counter antiseptics contain chrysanthemum extract or synthetic ingredients. But be careful, Bun, sometimes lice don't work with this material. On the other hand, this material is not recommended for children.
  • Flea eggs can last a long time in children's clothing. So you have to wash your small clothes with warm water. So it is with children's toys.
If the child is less than two months old, don't give him medicine. In this case, you must remove ticks and flea eggs one by one with a wide-toothed comb and your hands, when your baby's hair is wet with conditioner. Repeat every 3-4 days for 3 weeks.

Some parents try to use natural ingredients such as vinegar and mayonnaise to drop lice eggs attached to the hair. But these ingredients have not been proven effective.
How to prevent the spread of lice

To prevent the spread of lice, take steps to contact the school or daycare where your child often spends his time, so he can examine other children who may also have lice.

Don't forget to check with other family members, for example your brother or sister, whether they also have lice. In addition, so that head lice do not return, remind children not to share personal items such as combs, hats, hair clips, towels or headbands with other children.

So, don't panic again to face fleas, Mother. Come on, eradicate head lice thoroughly, so the children can start playing happily without itching in their hair.

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