Improving the Position of Baby Sungsang Naturally

The baby's position in the chair is an upright baby, head on the top of the uterus or the back of the birth canal, at the time of delivery. Under normal conditions, the baby's head must be in the lower uterus, facing the uterus.

In the womb, the baby continues to move and spin. Over time, the baby's height will grow, so it will be difficult to change position once the gestational age has entered the 37th week. The position of the baby in the chair can be known by pregnancy examination or ultrasound performed by obstetricians in the hospital.

Returns the baby in the normal position

If your baby is in a siege position, you can persuade him to return to his normal position in a variety of natural ways, as shown below.

  • Lift the pelvis
You can begin to change the position of the baby in the matrix by lifting the pelvis at a maximum height of 30 cm from the ground. To do this technique, you must be flat on your back, knees bent and feet flat. This light exercise can be done for 10-15 minutes, three times a day. We recommend that you use a pillow to prop your hips to prevent pain. Routine exercise during pregnancy, such as walking, can also help improve the baby's position through pants.

  • Using sound
Basically, babies begin to hear sounds outside the mother's abdomen when their gestational age enters the fifteenth week. You can use your music or voice to persuade the baby to be in the position it should be. To do this, you can attach a helmet directly to the bottom of your stomach.
  • Hypnosis treatment
Hypnosis treatment is done to make you relaxed, calm and focused by giving advice to your subconscious mind. Based on research, the position of the baby can be changed if pregnant women often follow this treatment at a gestational age between 37 and 40 weeks. You can consult a doctor to get recommendations from a competent hypnotherapist.

  • Acupuncture therapy
Acupuncture combined with burning of leaves or plants, or moxibustion therapy, combined with other methods such as the external cephalic version (ECV), might help change the position of the baby in a chair. The therapist will prick the acupuncture needle in the tip of the little finger. This method is considered to stimulate the baby's movement into the uterus so that he can return to his position. However, you should consult an obstetrician before performing this alternative method.

Some of the natural treatment methods described above can sometimes improve the baby's position in the chair. However, not a few patients who do not get the expected results from this treatment. If the above treatment methods make you feel uncomfortable, painful or disturbed, it is best to stop immediately.

Handling in the hospital

If natural methods cannot improve the baby's siege position, consult your doctor for medical treatment at the hospital. The external cephalic version (ECV) is one of the most common ways to improve the position of a surrounded baby. This method is also often used if the baby is horizontal or transversely in the womb.

Administration of uterine or tocolytic relaxants, which may be related to anesthesia or anesthesia to increase the success rate of VEC, can also be used in hospitals.

While natural methods and medical procedures still do not improve the baby's position in the siege, normal delivery is still possible, but doctors will usually choose a caesarean delivery. This procedure is considered the safest way to treat work with a baby in a chair.

For best results and to avoid dangerous complications, it is best to consult with an obstetrician before trying to improve the baby's position in the chair. And remember, actions to improve the baby's position in the chair must be carried out by trained health workers.

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