Myths and Facts About Baby Gender in the Womb

Many myths about pregnancy have been circulating for generations and some Indonesian mothers believe, including one about speculation about determining the sex of the baby in the womb. So what about the facts? Go, see below criticism of myths and facts about the sex of the baby!
Ultrasound (USG), amniocentesis test, chorionic villus examination (part of placental tissue where baby DNA is present), maternal blood DNA testing is the right way to detect the sex of the baby in the womb. Ultrasonography to determine the sex of the baby can be done from 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. Depending on the position of the body of the fetus in the womb, the level of accuracy reaches 80-90%. DNA testing, including examination of amniocentesis and chorionic villi, is an examination that is not done routinely because it is expensive and only available in specialized laboratories.

However, long before the advent of technology, some people believed that many signs could determine or guess the sex of a baby. This myth is hereditary in a community that is still believed by some people.

Myths and facts about the sex of the baby that must be understood by the mother

Pregnant women, especially those who are pregnant for the first time, are very vulnerable to rumors about pregnancy that are not necessarily true. Because it is important for you to know the facts so that you are not wrong by applying information during your pregnancy.

Morning Sickness

Myth: Often experiencing severe morning sickness during pregnancy is said to be a sign that you will have a baby girl.

Fact: This myth can be true. A study has found that women who experience severe morning sickness or hyperemesis gravidarum tend to give birth to girls. This is because pregnancy hormone levels that trigger morning sickness tend to be higher in mothers who are pregnant with baby girls. However, this cannot be used as an accurate reference for determining the sex of the fetus, because even a woman who is pregnant with a baby boy may experience severe morning sickness. The research also found that the ultrasound examination is much more accurate to determine the sex of the baby, even though the examination cannot provide 100% precise results.

Heart rate

Myth: It is said that if the heartbeat is less than 140 times per minute, it is a sign that the mother is pregnant with a baby boy.

Fact: Mother, this speculation is only a myth, yes! Due to the fact, there is no significant difference between the heart rate of male and female infants during early pregnancy. The average heart rate for a baby boy in the first trimester is 154.9 times per minute (can be more or less 22.8 times per minute). And for baby girls is 151.7 times per minute (can be more or less 22.7 times per minute). So the baby's heartbeat cannot be used as a benchmark to determine the sex.

The shape of the stomach is round and oval

Myth: In Indonesia, there is a myth that a round belly during pregnancy is a sign that a mother is pregnant with a baby. Meanwhile, if the mother's stomach looks oval or down, it means she has a baby boy.

Fact: Mother, this speculation is also a myth. Body shape factors and stomach shape during pregnancy are influenced by body weight during pregnancy and not by the sex of the baby.

Fancy sweet or sour food or drink

Myth: Women who have baby girls are said to be more likely to look for sweets, whereas when they are pregnant, boys tend to need sour or salty foods or drinks.

Fact: There is no scientific data that proves the truth of this myth. If you want sweet foods or drinks, it might be due to changes in pregnancy hormones that can increase the sensitivity of your sense of smell. There are many reasons why pregnant women want to eat something sweet, including hypoglycemia, lack of energy, fatigue and lack of sleep.

In addition to myths and scientific signs during pregnancy, many discussions have been held about ways to increase the chances of having a baby of a certain sex. For example, specific dietary recommendations for consuming acidic foods can help to conceive baby boys and alkaline foods to help get pregnant. In fact, this recommendation does not contain any scientific evidence. A varied and nutritious diet is very important for the health of the mother and baby. Limiting nutritional intake or following certain diets during pregnancy is not a good idea. And there is no scientific evidence regarding general advice to have sex before ovulation to conceive a baby, although this is based on the fact that female sperm seem to last longer than that. the baby. Likewise with the myth of having sex after ovulation, the fetus is male.

Humans are born with 46 chromosomes from 23 couples. The X and Y chromosomes determine a person's sex. Typically, female chromosomes are 46XX and male chromosomes are 46XY. The sex of the baby in the womb is regulated as soon as the sperm meets the fertilized egg. Fetal genitalia do not develop early in pregnancy before 6 weeks of pregnancy.

In general, at 4 or 5 weeks' gestation, doctors can detect the sex of the baby in the mother's womb through several prenatal tests such as ultrasound, amniocentesis, and other tests. The position of the baby during ultrasound is the most important aspect for detecting the sex of the baby, especially to ensure the baby is a baby.

DNA testing is the most accurate way to determine the sex of the baby in the womb. This examination determines the sex of the baby from about 9 weeks of pregnancy. In the medical world, the main purpose of examining a baby's DNA is not to determine the sex of the baby, but to determine whether there are congenital abnormalities in the fetus to determine whether the baby is in good health or not. This check is not done regularly because the price is high and not available in all regions. And last but not least, to find out the sex and of course to maintain the health of the mother and fetus, do routine pregnancy checks at the doctor or midwife to get a pregnancy check up, information and supplements. beneficial for optimal pregnancy.

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