Recognize the Symptoms of Early Stage Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is not really a deadly disease that affects many people. Lung cancer sufferers often find out too late for signs of this disease and are only diagnosed when they have entered an advanced stage. Therefore, it is absolutely essential for you to know the signs of early-stage lung cancer, so that you can be treated early.

Lung cancer occupies the first rank as the highest cause of death from cancer in the world, which is 1.7 million deaths in 2015 according to the World Health Organization (WHO). One of the causes of this high death rate is due to the difficulty of diagnosing the signs arising from lung cancer early, so that many new lung cancer problems are diagnosed when they have entered an advanced stage that is difficult to treat.

Early Stage Lung Cancer Symptoms

Not lightly aware of the presence of lung cancer symptoms at an early stage, because generally the symptoms of this disease are not typical and are often similar to other diseases, such as tuberculosis, pleural effusion, pneumonia, bronchitis, and lung abscesses. Symptoms that can be seen in early-stage lung cancer, in others:

  •     Continuous cough
    Coughing can be caused by a mild atmosphere, such as flu or respiratory tract irritation. However, unless the cough does not stop in just over two weeks, this could be a signal of another more serious disease, one of which is lung cancer. Immediately consult a doctor to get a complete examination counted physical examination and support, such as chest X-rays.
  •     Bleeding cough
    Severe cough accompanied by blood or phlegm mixed with blood spots, can be a signal of lung cancer. To be sure, further investigation is needed.
  •     Shortness of breath
    If you suddenly become breathless while carrying out simple activities, this can be a signal of early stage lung cancer. Shortness of breath can occur due to cancer cells that block the respiratory tract, or a buildup of fluid around the lungs that compresses the lungs. However, shortness of breath is not only fixated on lung cancer. The emergence of shortness of breath when doing activities as usual, can count as a sign of symptoms of heart failure.
  •     Chest pain
    Lung cancer can count on pain in the chest, shoulders or back. Usually this pain is sharp, dull, visible continuously, or sometimes disappear. Pain in the chest can mimic heart disease, but chest pain due to lung cancer will generally become more severe when breathing deeply, coughing, or laughing.
  •     The voice became hoarse
    Hoarseness is generally seen when you are experiencing inflammation in the respiratory tract. However, unless the voice turns hoarse suddenly and occurs more than two weeks, then you should be vigilant. This change of sound could be a symptom of lung cancer. This condition occurs when cancer cells affect the nerves that adjust the vocal cords, triggering changes in your voice.
  •     Wheezing
    The wheezing sound that accompanies you when you pull or breathe in adulthood can be a signal from certain health conditions, such as allergies or asthma. However, you are not advised to assume it as a normal atmosphere of asthma, because wheezing can be a symptom of lung cancer. Immediately consult a doctor unless wheezing does not disappear after treatment.
  •     Weight loss
    Usually people who suffer from cancer, including lung cancer, will lose weight drastically. This is caused by cancer cells that use all of the body's energy and nutrients. Therefore, do not ignore changes in your body weight, especially if it happens when you do not make changes to your diet or lifestyle.

In addition to the signs that have been described above, there are also more than one other sign that is able to indicate lung cancer, such as fever, mild fatigue, problems with eating or swallowing, loss of appetite, swollen fingers, and the appearance of a doubtful lump on your body . For that, it is necessary for you to detect early signs of early-stage lung cancer, so that it can increase the success of the treatment.
Risk Factors for Lung Cancer

There are many aspects of risk that can cause a person suffering from lung cancer. Here are more than one aspect of risk that you must know and avoid:

  • Smokers, both active and passive
    Frequent exposure to cigarette smoke can increase your risk of lung cancer. Then come from that, don't smoke and stay away from people who actively smoke.
  •     Radon gas exposure
    The natural gas produced from the breakdown of uranium in the soil, water, and rocks is one of the factors that can increase the risk of lung cancer.
  •     Exposure to asbestos
    A person who works together with asbestos, such as in a mine or factory, is more at risk of developing lung cancer. Especially if you are an active smoker.

After realizing the various aspects of the risk of lung cancer, you want to realize the importance of stopping smoking and pursuing a healthy lifestyle from now on. By quitting smoking, you can extend your life expectancy and reduce your risk of getting lung cancer after that day.

Consulting a doctor regularly for routine health checks (medical check-ups) is also a necessary way to detect certain diseases early, as well as lung cancer. This early examination is recommended even though there are no early signs and symptoms of lung cancer. Early examination is even more recommended for those who have high risk aspects, if heavy smokers who have been smoking for a long time, even though this time has stopped smoking.
  •     Air pollution
    Too long in an area that has a high level of air pollution causes a greater risk of lung cancer. About 5 percent comes from the problem of deaths from lung cancer in all the world caused by air pollution.
  •     Heredity
    If one family member mistakenly has lung cancer, you are more likely to suffer from the disease. However, research states that the link between hereditary factors and the onset of lung cancer counts together with environmental factors in the family, such as smoking and exposure to pollution in the area of ​​residence.

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