Understanding the causes of bowel cancer and risk factors

Although less discussed than other types of cancer, colon cancer is the third leading cause of death in the world, including Indonesia. An unhealthy lifestyle is a factor that increases the risk of colon cancer.

Colon cancer is divided into two types, namely colon cancer and colon cancer. Colon cancer or colorectal cancer is a type of colon cancer that is more common than colon cancer.

Causes and risk factors for colon cancer

The cause of colon cancer, both colon cancer and colon cancer, is not yet known with certainty. However, several factors can increase the risk of colon cancer, including:
1. age

One study shows that age is a risk factor for colon cancer. More than 90% of colon cancers occur in people over 50 years. Bowel cancer also tends to attack more men than women.
2. Family history of polyps or colon cancer

The next risk factor is a family history of polyps or colon cancer. If you have parents or siblings with polyps or colon cancer, your risk of colon cancer will be even higher.
3. obesity

Many studies have shown an association between obesity and an increased risk of various types of cancer, including colon cancer. Obese people often have higher insulin levels and growth factor insulin-1 (IGF-1). High levels of insulin and IGF-1 are closely related to the development of cancer cells.
4. Smoking habits

For a long time it was known that smoking increased the risk of certain types of cancer. One of them is colon cancer. In fact, cigarettes contain carcinogens that can be inhaled and enter the blood, then cause lung cancer and various other organs, including the intestine.
5. Excessive alcohol consumption
Excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of colon cancer. However, this mechanism is associated with other risk factors, such as obesity and family history of colon cancer.

Stomach radiotherapy, consumption of red meat and changing habits, and lack of physical activity or exercise are other factors that can increase the risk of colon cancer.

After knowing the various risk factors and various causes of colon cancer, start now to take precautions by adopting a healthy lifestyle. If you have one of the risk factors above, do a routine check with your doctor to detect cancer at an early stage.

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