You Can Start a Healthy Lifestyle Now

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), unhealthy eating patterns and lack of physical activity are the main risk factors for global health. Increased processed food production, rapid urbanization and an unhealthy lifestyle make it vulnerable to various types of health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Starting a healthy lifestyle can keep you away from these health risks.
A healthy lifestyle is a long-term commitment with complete benefits for the health of your body and life. Improving your physical, mental and emotional health will help improve your quality of life and will have a positive influence on the people around you.
Menerapkan gaya hidup sehat
The adoption of a healthy lifestyle must be adjusted for age, gender, level of physical activity, health conditions, and even your eating habits. The results will vary, you cannot run or expect the same lifestyle changes as someone whose body condition or health is different from you, for example, following an idol model or actor.

Here are some ways to start a healthy lifestyle that you can apply immediately and create new habits or routines.
  • Know your health status and make a treatment appointment if necessary.    
Perform annual checks that you can never or rarely do and verify the list of vaccinations that must be obtained. Some types of vaccines are given more than once at special times. Immediately make an appointment with a doctor if the results of routine health checks show abnormalities or vaccines must be made. 
Know your body mass index (BMI) and waist size to check for risk factors for diseases, such as obesity. You can do this together with a routine check. Also identify the level of your physical activity, for example, how many activities are carried out in a week and how intense they are. By knowing the physical condition and health of your body, you can determine the next step in changing the right healthy lifestyle. Talk to your doctor about the types of activities and eating patterns recommended for your condition.
  • Improve diet or diet and stop bad habits.  
Start making a diary with a list of foods you eat every day. Yes, that includes fried foods that you eat while waiting for the train schedule, for example. Do it without judgment. Remember, you must do this to find out what should be changed from the previous diet. You can't change to a healthy lifestyle if you don't know what old habits should be eliminated or maintained. Talk to your doctor and nutritionist about the type, amount of food intake and advice about other diets you need. 
  • Increase physical activity and stress control.  
Adults are advised to plan at least two and a half hours per week for aerobic activity (eg walking and running) with moderate intensity. You can also devote one hour and 15 minutes a week to doing high-intensity aerobic activity and muscle-building activities, such as push-ups and sit-ups, at least two days a week. Create a flexible, realistic and fun calendar of physical activities and weekly goals.
Maintaining mental health is also part of a healthy lifestyle. Drag activities like yoga and meditation to deal with stress. Determine ways or activities you can do when you are stressed and your emotions aggressive, such as going up and down stairs or pausing on the toilet to get you back in focus. Breathing exercises not only remind you to be grateful, but also a new assessment of perspectives and decisions that must be made. Remember the positive things that happen in life and you will realize how much you have achieved or possessed.
  • Increase sleep time. 
Create a fixed sleep schedule. Try your device, your computer, or your TV. You have died at least two hours before going to bed. Heavy exercise before bedtime is also not recommended. You can take a hot shower and drink a cup of tea to calm your body and mind, which will help you fall asleep quickly. Don't underestimate sleep disorders, see a doctor right away for proper treatment if you have a problem sleeping.
  • Improve relationships with the people around you. 
Lifestyle changes are not just about diet and exercise, social interaction with the people around you also contributes to your mental and emotional health. You don't have to assimilate all aspects of your life to your neighbors or friends, but you still need to take the time to socialize, either virtual or face to face. Improving relationships with others will entertain each party. However, if you have difficulty socializing or are in an unhealthy relationship, you should immediately seek help. The doctor will help you find the source of the problem and resolve it.
Also develop activities that stimulate brain creativity with the people around you. The goodness of this activity began in childhood and was accompanied by formal education that supported each other. According to neurologists, this activity will have more influence on the brain and body health than computer games played individually.

Although it is difficult to break old habits, it is important to know that by making healthy lifestyle habits a new habit, it also reduces the risk of contracting various types of diseases. Physical appearance improves, mental health is maintained and your energy increases.
 A healthy lifestyle also increases your chances of living longer. A study shows that the habit of walking at least 30 minutes every day can significantly reduce the risk of premature death. So what are you waiting for? Don't delay to keep changing your old way of life for a healthy lifestyle.


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