You want to have a thin face, here's how

You can have a sleek face by changing your hair style into surgery. Find the explanation to get the slim face you want.

Beauty standards can change from time to time and vary from place to place. Some consider the level of his neck beautiful, his face tattooed or white like porcelain. Today, it can be said that the standard of beauty that is trending is a slim face.

People with chubby cheeks or have a square or round face tend to want to have a thin face. Different methods are used to smooth the face. Able to change hair style, by making some facial expressions, during surgical procedures such as liposuction (liposuction), lipolysis injection or removal of oral fat from the face.

Oral fat is one of the many deposits of fat on the cheeks, which are located right on both sides of the face, between the whitening muscles and some of the outer muscles. As we get older, oral fat on the cheeks can actually grow and shrink. Oral fat functions as a cushion that allows facial muscles to function properly.

Imaging studies show that when our age ranges from 10 to 20 years, oral fat rises from 4,000 mm³ to 8,000 mm³. However, 30 years later, oral fat will be reduced to 7,000 mm³. And by removing this fat, we think we can get a thin face.

Much research has also been done to determine whether surgical removal of oral fat can improve the face or improve facial shape. One of them is a study that combines the elimination of oral fat and lipoplasty of fat on the cheeks and neck. As a result, the shape or contour of the face of the neck and cheeks is better and satisfying. Twenty-eight patients who underwent this procedure also did not experience complications.

However, before performing the surgical removal of oral fat so that the face is thin, it is advisable to think carefully. In addition, research and select specialist surgeons who are truly qualified and trained. If you have made a choice, your doctor may ask you why you want facial surgery, if you have an illness, if you have certain problems, or if you are undergoing medical treatment.

In addition, the doctor will also ask you if you are allergic to certain drugs, take vitamins or herbal supplements, want to consume alcohol or tobacco and have undergone surgery. The doctor will also tell you about the risks and possible complications of surgery. Sometimes, it is also important to assess a person's psychological history before undergoing plastic surgery.

Although some research shows that this cosmetic surgical procedure is relatively safe and satisfying, this does not mean that this surgical procedure is safe. The face is a part of the body with many blood vessels, nerves, muscles, and ligaments. Although this is rare, some people complain that after surgery a facial sensation is impaired, it is difficult to move the lips, eat or talk because the mouth is stiff and the face becomes asymmetrical. Another postoperative complaint, of course, is facial pain.

If you are reluctant to operate, you can change your hair style or style depending on the shape of your face.

  • For round faces, it is advisable to make layers or styles of layered hair styles and avoid hair styles on the part or cut flat hair.
  • For square faces, it is recommended not to cut hair as short as jaw.
  • For a heart-shaped face, it is advisable to choose short hair with layers around the cheekbones and bangs.
You can try various hairstyles or hairstyles to show a thin face. It is recommended to exercise and maintain a healthy food intake to maintain good health rather than a direct way to achieve something. However, this method requires a lot of time so that beauty results can be seen, but it is safer and cheaper than plastic surgery procedures.

And remember, plastic surgery on the face will cause the effects of permanent changes. Therefore, if you want to have a thin face during surgery, consult a plastic surgeon. The final results after surgery will not always be as expected. You must know the risks and benefits before undergoing the procedure.

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