3 stages of pregnancy Stretch marks, are you aware?

3 stages of pregnancy Stretch marks, are you aware?

Stretch marks can occur in most women and are considered embarrassing. Purplish pink stretch marks appear on the surface of the skin of the abdomen, thighs and upper chest.

This can interfere with your appearance and reduce your confidence.

Stretch marks are caused by stretching the skin

Stretch marks often appear during pregnancy because the skin experiences stretching during pregnancy. About 90% of women experience stretch marks during the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the stomach is very sensitive and itching appears, then stretch marks appear, especially in the abdomen and breasts. However, stretch marks can also appear on the thighs, buttocks and arms.

Stretch marks occur when your body grows faster, but the skin cannot keep up. This causes the elastic fibers to break under the surface of the skin and form stretch marks.

The amount of stretch marks that appear, depends on your skin type. Because some people who have more elastic skin can only have a few stretch marks.

Stretch marks can be caused by hormonal changes and weight gain during pregnancy which affects the skin. In addition, a family history of stretch marks can harm you.
Stages of stretch marks during pregnancy

Step 1: At this point, stretch marks appear in pink. The stretched abdomen skin will also be irritated, thin and flat.

Step 2: At this point, stretch marks will increase. Stretch marks become long and wide with a reddish or purple color.

Step 3: At this point, stretch marks lose their redness. Then, a few months after giving birth, the condition begins to fade and turn white or pale gray. The shape or length of the stretch marks become irregular.

Stretch marks are not dangerous. After the birth of your baby, stretch marks will gradually disappear. However, stretch marks will not disappear completely.

3 tips for treating stretch marks

The best time for treatment is when stretch marks are reddish. Gel based onion extract and hyaluronic acid can help overcome stretch marks.

The gel fades stretch marks after being used every day for 12 weeks. Apart from that, you can also take the following steps to protect your skin during pregnancy.

1. Use a moisturizing cream or lotion

Using a moisturizing cream or lotion every day helps keep skin hydrated and makes it smoother and firmer. This step can also help relieve itching in your growing stomach.

2. Maintain skin from the inside

You must consume lots of vitamin C during pregnancy to help maintain the skin. Because it's difficult to experience stretch marks.

3. Pay attention to gaining weight

Pay attention to your weight during pregnancy by following the doctor's recommendations regarding your calorie intake. An increase in body weight that is higher than average can cause the appearance of stretch marks that are fast.

Stretch marks during pregnancy often occur. You don't need to worry about that. The most important is your health and the baby in the womb.

If you want to get rid of scars, wait until you give birth. After giving birth, you can perform treatments, including laser and dermabrasion, to get rid of stretch marks.

This treatment cannot be done during pregnancy because it is considered dangerous.

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