4 choices of Fish Eye ointment that you can try

4 choices of Fish Eye ointment that you can try

Fish's eye is hard and painful skin, in the form of bumps that often appear on the feet. Usually, the eyes often appear due to pressure or friction. You can use fish-based ointments to overcome them.

If you wear shoes that don't fit and your feet sweat or stand for long periods of time every day, you tend to catch fish eyes.

4 types of ointments that are strong for fish eyes

You can get over-the-counter medicines, as well as prescription drugs, to protect the eyes of the fish. In general, medications for fish eyes are topical medications to be applied to the skin. Here are some fish eye ointment choices for you.

1. salicylic acid
You can get salicylic acid in the form of creams, lotions, liquids, gels and ointments to apply to the skin. Salicylic acid is keratolytic which can dissolve protein, or keratin, forming the fish's eye and dead skin that surrounds it.

You can use fish eye ointments that contain salicylic acid to help moisturize your fish's skin. The top of the skin affected by the fish's eye also turns white and can be easily cut.

You must be careful when applying it to the skin because it can cause irritation. Follow the instructions on the label or recipe carefully. Higher doses may work faster, but must be prescribed by a doctor.

Most doctors do not recommend the use of fish-based eye medicines containing salicylic acid for diabetics. In fact, if used incorrectly, there is a risk of irritation, infection, ulcers or burns in healthy skin tissue around the fish's eye.

2. ammonium lactate
Ammonium lactate can be a cream and lotion that is applied to the skin. Topical ammonium lactate helps to thin the skin of your fish's eyes and moisturizes and softens dry, scaly skin.

Before use, shake the lotion container to mix the medicine. Then apply ammonium lactate cream or lotion to the area of ​​your fish's eye and rub gently.

In general, ammonium lactate lotions or creams are used twice a day. However, follow the instructions on the label or prescribe the doctor carefully. Keep away from eyes, mouth and vagina.
3. Triamcinolone

Triamcinolone is available in the form of ointments, creams and lotions, with different effectiveness for use on the skin. Triamcinolone is a class of corticosteroids that help treat dry skin and harden the skin, including fish eyes.

Apply enough to your fish's eye and rub gently. Triamcinolone is usually used two to four times a day. Always follow the instructions on the recipe label carefully
4. Tretinoin
Tretinoin can be in the form of creams and gels. Tretinoin helps exfoliate areas of the skin affected by fish eyes. Usually, this medicine is used every day before going to sleep. Always follow the instructions on the recipe label correctly.

You can try using the fish eye medication above, which are accompanied by home remedies. Soak the eyes in hot water for 5 to 10 minutes, then rub the eyes with pumice. It is believed that this step accelerates healing.

Fish and calluses are different

Fish-eye is often equated with calluses, although the conditions are different. Fish-eye is often equated with calluses, even though the two conditions are different.

Calluses usually do not hurt, while fish eye pain when pressed. In addition, judging from its size, carnations tend to be smaller and more rounded, whereas carnations are larger and have different shapes.

Fish eye often appears on the part of the skin that does not hold the load. Different from a fish's eye, calluses appear on the skin that supports weights such as heels, soles, and knees.

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