4 easy and safe steps to deal with boils on the face
Ulcers on the face, of course, hurts and reduces appearance. When you have boils on your face, you may feel less confident, especially if you end up being the center of attention. So what's boiling on the face?
Inflammation of the face is a skin infection that is usually caused by Staphylococcus bacteria. This bacterium spreads in the hair follicles or sebaceous glands on the face, causing ulcers to appear.
Signs of the appearance of boils on the face
Boils on the face are infected. Facial skin turns red, then a bump develops. The size is hard, red and painful.
However, after 4-7 days, the size becomes soft, larger, more painful and begins to turn white, because the pus pockets form at the top of the boils.
Apart from the face, boils can also appear on the neck, shoulders, buttocks and underarms. Some conditions make you vulnerable to ulcers, such as lack of cleanliness or nutrition, diabetes, decreased immune system and exposure to corrosive chemicals.
Steps to deal with boils on the face
Bubbles on the face that you have, of course very disturbing. You also want to get rid of this boil immediately. However, don't try to squeeze or stab it with a hot needle because this can make the infection worse.
So, what are the right steps to treat boils on the face?
1. Compress with warm water
Compressing points on the face with warm water is a safe and easy step. The trick, soak the cloth in warm water, then squeeze it until it's wet enough. After that, place the cloth on your face for 10 to 15 minutes.
Warm water compresses can reduce the pain of boils on the face and increase pressure on the infected pores, so that pus slowly draws pus on the surface of the skin.
After the compress is done regularly 3 to 4 times a day, boils break normally within 10 days.
2. Use natural ingredients
Natural ingredients can be used to treat boils on the face, such as onions. Raw onions can be cut into thick slices, then wrapped in gauze and boiled for 1 hour, 1 to 2 times a day.
This can accelerate the eruption of boils on the face.
3. Clean with antibacterial soap
If the boil breaks and begins to dry, wash with antibacterial soap until all the pus is gone. Then apply a topical antibiotic ointment and cover it with sterile gauze or bandages. Do it 2-3 times a day, until the ulcers heal.
Remember to wash your hands before and after contact with ulcers, to maintain cleanliness and prevent the spread of infection. In addition, you should not rub ulcers because rubbing will make healing difficult.
4. Check the doctor's tip
If you are worried about a serious infection, put your face on your face to see a doctor. Boils with fever, redness of the skin, and developing boils require medical attention.
Your doctor may prescribe antibiotic tablets and ointments if the infection is severe. You can prevent recurrence of boils on the face by maintaining adequate and regular facial skin hygiene.
If necessary, consult your doctor about facial skin care that is suitable for you, so that the boils on the face do not return.
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