After the baby is born, don't be surprised by 12 changes in your life

After the baby is born, don't be surprised by 12 changes in your life

After the birth of a baby, happiness and prosperity mix. The pace of life and schedule of activities will also change completely, or even chaos, at least during the first days or weeks. Many more changes and surprises are waiting for you. Ready or not, here are 12 changes and surprises after the birth of a baby:

1. improvement of social life
Congratulations! You have now joined the "childcare community". The number of your friends will increase, especially among parents who have babies or those who are interested in toddlers. Just enjoy this new friendship!

2. The relationship between husband and wife changes

After the baby is born, household dynamics always change because of additional interactions with your baby. Don't let this change make your relationship weak. Carefully and always prioritize each other with the baby.

3. The night schedule is chaotic

Babies born = sleep schedule of parents who experience disturbances, especially during the first few months when the baby must be breastfed regularly, every few hours. Involve the husband to share each other's tasks and multiply the rest periods during the day so that the immune system is in shape.

4. Sudden guest visits
Many waiting in line to visit you and your baby? Naturally, because they want to participate in this special happiness. Just make sure the guests who come visit are not sick and have washed their hands to hold the baby.
5. Busy interactions

Maybe before you often considered as a rigid person. However, this will change because babies need interaction through various facial expressions, voice intonation, and movement. For the development of the baby, don't be shy to look funny.

6. Too overwhelmed and need help
Babies are a great addition, but you must be careful and work hard to care for them every day. Don't let your energy run out, ask your husband, friends, and other family members for help.

7. Chatting with babies

Believe it or not, the more you "argue" with babies, the more they will learn. In addition, your relationship is also more harmonious and loving. No need for intense chat, simple chat will be very useful for babies.

8. Feeling guilty
You are not alone if you feel less competent, if you want to be single again or if you don't always like the time spent with parents. All this is normal after the birth of a baby. Overcome with relaxation and make sure you are the best parent!

9. The world of reading

Many toddler books are written not only for your child, but also for their parents' learning. Do not be surprised if you suddenly fall in love and often read with the baby.

10. Never alone
Especially for mothers who care for their own babies, you will not spend much time alone. In fact, your child will also follow when using the toilet. However, it also means that you will have many opportunities to teach children directly.

11. Learn to free

After the birth of a baby, there will be many proud achievements, ranging from crawling to running alone. When children learn independently, parents can also realize the importance of freeing older children.

12. Financial investment
One of the most common surprises after the birth of a baby is knowing that breeding requires high costs. It's time to be smart to invest in your child's future.

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