Beware Of These 10 As A Symptoms of Alzheimer's at a Young Age

Beware Of These 10 As A Symptoms of Alzheimer's at a Young Age
Alzheimer's at a young age is a form of dementia that occurs in people under 65 years of age. These events are rare. Of all Alzheimer's sufferers, only 5% of people can experience symptoms of the disease before the age of 65 years.

Most people with Alzheimer's at a young age begin to experience symptoms in their 40s to 50s. It is not known why dementia symptoms can appear at a relatively young age.

But in some sufferers, there is indeed a hereditary Alzheimer's disease, which is when there are parents or grandparents who experience symptoms of Alzheimer's at the age of under 65 years.

Hereditary Alzheimer's disease is related to genetic mutations in the APP, PSEN 1 and PSEN 2 genes. About 60 to 70% of young Alzheimer's sufferers mutate in one of these three genes.

These three genes are different from the APOE gene mutation, which increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's in the general population.
Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease at a young age

In general, Alzheimer's disease will cause loss of memory function and other mental skills, thus disrupting daily life. Alzheimer's symptoms that appear at a young age can include:

  •     Often forget

Sometimes forgetting is natural. But in people with Alzheimer's, this forgetfulness seems beyond normal.

Not only forget important dates or important events, sufferers also often repeat questions that have been answered or have to be reminded many times about something.

  •     Difficulty planning something and solving problems

Symptoms of Alzheimer's sufferers at a young age are also usually seen at work. For example, decreased ability to compile and carry out work plans.

While in family and personal matters, there is also a decline in ability to manage finances, manage budgets, and often forget to pay bills.

  •     Difficulty doing routine things

Decreased concentration ability is also a symptom of Alzheimer's disease, even things that have often been done or have become routine become increasingly difficult to do as the disease progresses. For example, car driving skills are declining, or forget the road that is passed every day to work.

  • Difficulty being aware of time and existence

One of the common symptoms of Alzheimer's is to forget the date, time, and the passage of time. Planning activities or appointments is also difficult because the sufferer will forget.

In addition, Alzheimer's sufferers often forget where they are, how they got to where they are, and why they are there.

  •      Having vision problems

Impaired vision as a symptom of Alzheimer's at a young age, can be difficult to read, difficulty determining distance, and difficulty determining color or color contrast. These symptoms include dangerous if the patient is still driving alone.

  •      Difficulty finding words when speaking

This symptom is most easily seen when chatting. When talking, sufferers of Alzheimer's can suddenly stop and unable to finish the sentence due to not being able to remember the words to be spoken. They also often repeat the same story and talk.
Frequent loss of goods

Loss of goods occurs because Alzheimer's sufferers often forget the location where they put or store the item. Sufferers are usually unaware of this symptom, so they eventually accuse other family members or household assistants of stealing their belongings.

  •     Difficulty maintaining personal hygiene

From the usual clean and neat, the appearance of young Alzheimer's sufferers can become messy. For example due to forgetting to take a shower or change clothes, as well as the ability to match and match clothes that are decreasing.

  •     Withdraw from work and social life

The more symptoms that arise, Alzheimer's sufferers at a young age will usually withdraw from their work. They also appear to be less likely to participate in social events or carry out hobbies that used to be done often.

  •     Experience a personality change

Other symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are personality changes in sufferers or sufferers often showing rapid mood swings. For example, sufferers become irritable if there are activities outside their routine. They are also more often confused, anxious, or frightened.

The symptoms of Alzheimer's at a young age are not much different from the symptoms of Alzheimer's in the elderly.

Immediately consult a doctor if symptoms of Alzheimer's appear above. The doctor will do a physical examination, nerve examination, and brain imaging to establish the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease correctly.

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