Blazing heat in babies, dangerous or not?

Blazing heat in babies, dangerous or not?

Prickly heat is a prominent red rash that causes itching and can cause tingling or pain in the skin. This condition usually occurs in infants and children.

Hot spines in infants appear in the form of red spots that are clearly visible on their skin. Prickly heat usually appears in hot and humid weather.

Sweat glands in infants that are not fully developed make babies vulnerable to prickly heat. Sweat glands can become blocked in very hot weather, which causes sweat on the baby's skin and causes heat to heat the baby.

During hot weather, babies may feel intense heat when wearing several layers of clothing or fever.

Types of prickly sweat in infants
Prickly heat in infants usually appears on the folds of the face, neck and skin, such as the armpits or the inside of the elbows. Sometimes, prickly heat can cause itching in babies. Depending on the type, there are three types of heat in infants, namely:

  • Miliaria ruba, the most common cause of sweat in infants and red and itchy lumps.
  • Miliaria crystallina, the source of sweat in infants worse than miliaria ruba and may be small white or transparent blisters.
  • Miliaria profunda, the rarest source of sweat in infants, babies who experience it will have red and burning skin and blisters like acne. In this type of prickly heat, prickly heat can become infected.
  • Miliaria pustulosa, hot heat in infants in the form of vesicles that can become dry sores (scabies). When the wound is open, the skin bleeds.

How to beat and prevent prickly sweat on babies

The intense heat in infants is sometimes enough to irritate them, especially if the baby is itchy from the intense heat. There are several ways to overcome and prevent thorny heat in infants, such as:

  • You can use a fan to make the baby feel happy.
  • Immediately take the baby to the shade when there are signs of heat on them.
  • You can use washcloths that have been rinsed with cold water to remove sweat from the baby's skin.
  • Take off the extra clothes worn by the baby and relax the used clothes.
  • Always wear clothing with materials that are not warm for the baby, such as cotton, to prevent spiky heat in the baby.
  • You do not need to use oil, lotions or creams on babies because the use of these ingredients can really aggravate prickly heat in babies. However, you can give a cream given by a doctor to warm up the baby's tingling.
  • Always clean baby's skin folds to prevent sweating.
  • Always prevent the baby from dehydration by breastfeeding at the right time and giving him water.

Usually, the prickly heat in babies disappears on their own. However, if the heat does not disappear or worsen, you need to see a doctor.

Especially if the prickly heat in the baby is accompanied by fever, swelling and pain in the thorny area, pus, sores or swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpits or groin folds.

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