Can fetal anemia be treated with blood transfusions?

Can fetal anemia be treated with blood transfusions?

Anemia can also be felt by the fetus not only in pregnant women. Fetal anemia, which can also be called fetal anemia, is actually rare but very dangerous.

This condition can be overcome by blood transfusion in the fetus. However, this procedure is considered quite risky.

Anemia in the fetus, the baby needs more red blood cells

Just like adults and babies born, the fetus also needs red blood cells to deliver oxygen obtained throughout the body. Anemia in the fetus occurs when the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin is lower than normal.

Therefore, when the fetus has anemia, dangerous complications such as heart problems can occur. Because, to drain oxygen from the organs, the heart must pump blood faster.

Anemia in the fetus can cause heart failure

If the anemia that develops becomes very serious, the fetus can experience heart failure. If left untreated, this condition can cause death.

The most common cause of anemia is mismatch between blood type and fetus. This condition is called isoimmunization. This inadequacy creates antibodies from the mother and responds by destroying fetal red blood cells.

In addition, viral infections that attack the bone marrow as a center for the production of red blood cells can also cause anemia in the fetus.

Fetal anemia can be treated by blood transfusion

Fetal anemia is a complicated case, so care must be given by experts and specialists. This condition can be treated by blood transfusion in the fetus.

However, the process of blood transfusion to the fetus can not be done like this. Close monitoring is needed to determine the exact time of transfusion.

There are two types of blood transfusions to overcome this disease, namely:

1. Intravascular blood transfusion

Transfusion is done by inserting a needle into the mother's abdomen, then blood flows directly to the umbilical cord.

2. Intraperitoneal blood transfusion

In this type of transfusion, the needle is inserted into the mother's abdomen, then into the uterus and into the fetus's stomach. Intraperitoneal blood transfusion is usually done if the intravascular method cannot be performed because of the position of the fetus in the uterus.

Like other procedures, blood transfusion to the fetus also presents several risks of complications, such as:

  • Fetal distress after the procedure, which requires a caesarean delivery procedure
  • Preterm labor
  • Premature rupture of membranes
  • Bruising and stomach ache
  • Bleeding, cramps and vaginal discharge
  • infection
  • Fetal lesions
  • Too much blood is received by the fetus
  • Fetal bleeding

Although anemia in the fetus is a rare condition, you should still be aware of it. Don't miss to meet your content control schedule.

In this way, the doctor can quickly determine whether the fetus has certain abnormalities.

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