Continuous Hiccups Turns Dangerous Signs

Almost everyone experiences hiccups. Often this condition occurs suddenly when you eat too fast or full. However, if hiccups occur continuously, you must be aware of other diseases that can trigger it.

Most hiccups that occur will stop by itself. Hiccups are rarely considered a serious illness. Hiccups are the effects of diaphragmatic muscle contractions that occur suddenly. Sounds that occur during hiccups occur when the vocal cords close during the contraction of these muscles.

Continuous Hiccups Turns Dangerous Signs
Various causes of hiccups

In general, hiccup triggers are related to eating habits, such as eating too much, swallowing air while chewing gum, and overeating non-alcoholic drinks. Hiccups can also be caused by weather changes, stress, or sudden forced labor.

However, continuous hiccups that last more than two days, the cause must be sought immediately. Often, the cause of continuous hiccup is not clearly known. However, there are several conditions that are known to be possible causes, such as irritation of the eardrum due to foreign bodies, inflammation of the throat, enlargement of the thyroid gland, tumor or cyst in the throat, pregnancy, hiatal hernia, electrolyte disturbance, and increased gastric acid in the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux ). disease / GERD).

Chronic diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson's disease, kidney failure, cancer, and side effects from chemotherapy can also be a trigger for persistent hiccups. In addition, hiccups of this type can be caused by disorders of the central nervous system, preventing the body from controlling hiccups.

Some types of medical procedures can also cause continuous hiccups, such as the use of catheters in the heart muscle, bronchoscopy procedures in the lungs and tracheostomy procedures in the neck. In fact, unhealthy lifestyles, including excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking, can also cause constant hiccups.
How to deal with hiccups
As a general rule, hiccups can be overcome at home in a simple way: hold your breath for a moment, drink water quickly, gargle or suck lemon. In addition, there are also simple ways to stop hiccups, such as inhaling a paper bag, tasting vinegar, pulling the knee to the chest, and bending until the chest feels depressed.

Seek immediate medical attention if hiccups last more than three hours. There are several treatment options that are possible. For example, doctors can give drugs to reduce stomach acid production in patients with acid reflux and who suffer from constant hiccups

In addition, there are also conditions that are quite serious and chronic, doctors will prescribe medicines such as chlorpromazine, haloperidol, anti-epileptic drugs with valproic acid, phenytoin and carbamazepine, or metoclopramide, or antiemetic drugs.

If treatment fails, the doctor will recommend that you inject local anesthesia into the nerve between the neck and chest. The next treatment option is the placement of the implant to provide mild electrical stimulation to the nerves to stop the hiccups continuously.

Hiccups are a reaction of the body that is usually safe and can disappear by itself. However, hiccups must constantly attract attention. Seek medical attention immediately if this happens for a long time.

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