Does a tie cause babies who don't want to breastfeed?

Does a tie cause babies who don't want to breastfeed?

New mothers will certainly wonder when their baby's weight will never increase. What is the problem? It could be that the main problem is the locking or attaching of the baby's mouth to the breast areola of the mother, which is not channeled as far as possible by the breast tongue. Therefore, the baby does not want to suckle.

Also, what is the relationship between tongue tongs and babies who don't want to breastfeed? Read on for an explanation.
What tie?

Tongue attachment is a condition when a thin membrane under the baby's tongue (lingual frenulum) restricts the movement of the tongue. As a general rule, tongue attachment occurs in 4 to 11% of newborns.

Here are a few examples of language related indications for babies:

  • the baby has difficulty moving the tongue freely
  • when it comes out, the tongue has a heart shape (not horizontal)
  • when the mother tries to insert the little finger, the baby does not suckle
  • difficulty in drawing language

Factors that cause tongue attachment are also related to genetic factors. In babies who do not have a tongue hook, the language brake under the tongue will separate from their birth.
Tie does the baby not want to breastfeed?
When a baby has an attached tongue, it can spread to many things. For example, babies don't want to suckle, eat and even swallow.

It is not uncommon for new parents to bring their baby to brake or frenotomy to overcome this problem.

What makes the bond so disturbing is that the baby cannot get the full potential of breast milk. As a result, babies only suckle or breastfeed and do not breastfeed.

When the process of transferring breast milk is not optimal, the impact is certainly on the nutritional intake and weight of the baby. This is why babies with ties are often detected by their weight gain.

Language and breastfeeding problems

They are not only reluctant to breastfeed, but the attachment of the tongue is also a scourge for mothers. When breast milk is not completely sucked up, it is very possible that the ducts that cause mastitis are blocked, making the breast feel sore.

In addition, the nipples are also vulnerable to injury or bleeding due to poor attachment to the baby's mouth.

It is common for mothers and children to be reluctant to become attached and look for comfortable breastfeeding positions because of the pain that haunts them.

In fact, breastfeeding must be one of the first enjoyable activities experienced by a baby. Not to mention the links that are built from the breastfeeding process.
Should the tie be used?

Before deciding to use a tongue clip, it's a good idea to make observations. There are four types of tongue attachments based on the location of the brake attached to the base of the tongue, namely:

  • Type 1: Frenulum is located at the tip of the tongue and easily visible
  • Type 2: Brake and tongue slightly attached to the tip of the tongue
  • Type 3: Frenulum is closer to the base of the tongue
  • Type 4: Frenulum is located in the posterior position so it must be palpated and will be seen

In types 1 and 2, frenotomy is not needed because brakes can be flexible when the baby is growing.

In tie 3 and 4 types, frenotomy can be done if it really interferes with the breastfeeding process.

What must be feared is that the baby does not want to breastfeed and gain weight. If the weight continues to fall below the curve, it can cause stunting or developmental delay.

In addition, according to the Journal of Human Lactation, 80% of frenotomy operations significantly improve the breastfeeding process. That is why, the faster the operation is carried out, the better.

Thus, mothers and babies can be rehabilitated to breastfeed optimally.

Breastfeeding without pressure is no less important. Don't panic about your baby's tie. This is certainly the best way to overcome them by consulting your trusted doctor.

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