Fish This Eye Surgery Procedure Before You Go

Fish This Eye Surgery Procedure Before You Go

To overcome the fish eye, there are several steps you can take. One of them is surgery. In fact, fish eye surgery is needed if other treatments fail to alleviate this condition or if the fish feels very painful eyes.

Surgery can also be done if you have eyelets caused by bone structure, foot problems. Fish eye surgery can be performed by a doctor because of an infection due to risk.

Fish Eye Surgery Procedure

Because the fish eye is caused by constant rubbing and pressure on the soles of the feet, treatment is recommended to start activities that can cause the condition.

However, if the fish eye does not disappear and causes discomfort, the doctor may perform fish eye surgery. The doctor will do the procedure, with as much as possible to minimize blood loss and risk of infection.

Fish eye surgery can reduce pain significantly. Thus, this step is considered effective in helping to reduce symptoms such as discomfort when walking. Surgical steps to be performed by a doctor.

1. Clean the skin:

First, the doctor will clean the area to be operated using alcohol or povidone iodine.
2. Anesthesia:
After that, the doctor will provide local anesthesia in the area to be operated to minimize the pain that might occur. However, doctors cannot provide in some cases local anesthesia during the procedure.
3. Appointment of Fisheye:

Then the doctor began to scrape the fish's eye slowly, using a scalpel.

These are short-term treatment steps taken to immediately eliminate pain. Meanwhile, long-term steps, doctors will see the main causes of friction and excessive pressure on plants.

Thus, the doctor can provide a solution so that the pressure can be extended to prevent recurrence. However, there is no guarantee that the fish's eye will not grow.

Prevent recurrence of Fisheye Way It

After going through the fish eye surgery procedure, you definitely don't want this condition alone anymore. Therefore you must make appropriate and effective preventive measures to protect the skin as follows.

  • Use shoes that can provide plenty of room for your toes. If your fingers move, it's a sign that you are wearing tight shoes.
  • Use cushioning so that the friction between the foot and shoes is not too large.
  • eyelets can also appear on the palm of the hand it is recommended to use gloves when you travel to other equipment.
  • Routine Wash and brush your feet every day with soap and water.
  • After washing the feet, use a special foot moisturizing cream.
  • Take care as soon as the foot irritation starts.
  • When cutting nails, do it with care, so that the nail does not form a certain angle that can cause excessive irritation or friction.
  • You can also use pumice to gently rub the soles of the feet to scrape the skin thickening feet.
  • Use clean cotton socks in size every day.

Before deciding to do a fish eye surgery, consult your doctor. Then the doctor will review and provide the most appropriate treatment for the condition of the fish-eye you meet.

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