Guide to cleaning baby bottles to prevent digestive problems

Most babies under one year no longer consume exclusive breast milk, but replace it with formula milk. For some mothers who also have busy days, formula milk is actually far more effective than breastfeeding. It's just too often those who do not pay attention to the cleanliness of the bottles used, so that it can trigger various types of problems, such as stomach pain.

Milk fat attached to the bottle is very difficult to clean so it is also vulnerable by inviting various types of pathogens to settle there. To do this, know how to wash it properly, so that it is absolutely clean and hygienic, including:

  1. Use Sleek baby bottle soap; detergent or soap chosen for washing bottles must be thoroughly considered, because actually all soap for washing is not suitable, some can only clean it, without raising the remaining milk, sometimes even with dangerous chemicals or detergents and may stick to the bottle, of course he can swallow babies right.
  2. Use a special sponge, a sponge that can effectively remove impurities from the milk bottle. Don't forget to clean the most important part, this is a teat from the rest of the milk.
  3. Sterilization, a process that must be carried out by parents at home, so that later the bottle of milk is not only clean, but also hygienic, free of germs, to sterilize it. This sterilization process seems very easy, such as dipping it in boiling water or condensing a bottle for a few moments so that the bacteria attached to it can die.

Also make sure to keep it in a clean place so that bacteria don't settle to the bottle. Special soap products for washing milk bottles, then special detergents for baby clothes can be easily found on the market. Several brands were released, one of which was Sleek.

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