How to get rid of moles naturally, is it safe to try?

How to get rid of moles naturally, is it safe to try?

The mole that appears on a woman's face is often considered a unique feature of her beauty. In some cultures, the location of moles on the body is considered to have various meanings related to the nature and fate of a person.

However, for many people, moles are often seen to interfere with appearance. They did not hesitate to find a way to get rid of moles.

But before discussing how to eliminate it, it helps us arm ourselves by recognizing the types of moles that can appear on our bodies.
Some types of moles on your body

Depending on the time of appearance and shape, moles can be classified into the following types:

1. Congenital moles

Congenital moles or congenital moles are often called birthmarks. About two percent of babies are born with this congenital mole.

The size, shape and color of moles at birth vary widely. When he is tall and dark, he is sometimes called tompel.

If the shape or size is considered disturbing, congenital moles can be removed for aesthetic reasons. This procedure is usually done after children are aged between 10 and 12 years. How to remove congenital moles can be done with small surgical procedures, dermabrasion, chemical peels or laser light ablation.

2. ordinary moles

This is a mole that appears on the skin after the birth of a baby. Its appearance can be from infancy to 25 years.

The location of the appearance of a mole can occur on any surface of the skin throughout the body. The general characteristics of many moles include:

  • Round or oval.
  • Mole edge is flat.
  • Maybe flat with the skin or slightly protruding from the surface of the skin.
  • The surface texture of a mole can be smooth or slightly rough.
  • Moles consist of one color, namely brown, black, red, pink or bluish.
  • The size of a mole is about 0.5 cm or less.
  • The shape and size of the mole never changes.

Growth of 10 to 40 moles on a person's skin can still be considered normal. However, if there are more than 50 moles, you will be considered to have a risk factor for skin cancer, although it is rare for ordinary moles to turn into cancer.
3. atypical moles

This mole can also appear in any area of ​​the skin. But atypical moles appear more often in the trunk area and appear very rarely on the face.

This type of mole has the potential to become skin cancer. But events are relatively rare. It is estimated that only one in 10,000 atypical moles develops skin cancer later.

Atypical moles also have ugly shapes. The following features:

  • Irregular shape.
  • The edges of the moles are not the same.
  • The color is mixed, between red chocolate and rose.
  • Its texture is rough.
  • The size is greater than 0.5 cm.
  • More appear on bright skin and are often exposed to sunlight.

Because this is only a collection of melanocytes, moles can change and disappear on their own over time. But the process can be slow.

It is also unknown what causes spontaneous disappearance of moles. Experts suspect that this process might be related to hormonal changes and natural changes to the skin.

How to get rid of moles naturally

Because most moles are harmless, the truth is not too important to be erased immediately. Mole removal is usually done based on aesthetic values, which interfere with appearance or comfort.

For those of you who want to get rid of moles naturally, you might be able to apply the following methods:

  • Compress the mole with apple vinegar. This step will burn and remove the mole.
  • Rub the mole with garlic so that the mole is crushed from the inside.Apply tea tree oil, banana peel or a mixture of baking soda and castor oil on the mole.
  • Apply iodine directly to the mole so that the cells are destroyed.

How to get rid of moles above sounds easy and cheap. Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence that this method can kill moles.

Some of them are even considered dangerous. The reason is that these steps can also cause irritation to the surrounding moles and skin. Especially for people who have sensitive skin.

Instead, you can also use camouflage techniques using cosmetics. Although makeup cannot completely eliminate a mole, makeup can at least hide the appearance of a mole that seems annoying.

But if you really want to get rid of moles, the safest and most effective way is to seek help from your doctor. Your doctor will check the condition of your moles and skin type before determining the right medical procedure as a way to get rid of your moles.

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