How to regulate frequent vomiting in infants? Here are 7 handling tips!

How to regulate frequent vomiting in infants? Here are 7 handling tips!
Vomiting of a baby is actually a natural thing. The baby's digestive system is not fully developed. However, what worries parents is when babies vomit often.

This condition certainly indicates that something is wrong. Proper handling is needed for your baby to resume normal activities.
Differentiate vomiting with spit up
Babies sometimes treat about 1 to 2 tablespoons of breast milk while breastfeeding or after breastfeeding, both breast milk and formula milk. This event is called spitting. This condition occurs because the baby's stomach is still small and the stomach valve is still weak.

In Indonesia, 50% of babies have phlegm 1 to 4 times a day until they are three months old. Recurrence is a normal phenomenon in infants under one year of age and usually disappears at 1.5 to 2 years.

Vomiting is different from vomiting. When she vomited, the baby seemed to be trying to express milk. Babies who vomit seem tired, uncomfortable or difficult.

Most vomiting is abnormal and can be caused by many factors.
Because babies vomit often

Some conditions that make babies vomit in general are:
1. Foreign material is swallowed

Swallowing a foreign object, for example, clogs up the baby's esophagus and the most common symptom is vomiting. Besides vomiting, shortness of breath can also occur when entering the airways.
2. GERD (gastro-sphagic reflux)
The valve between the esophagus and stomach is weak, which can push the contents of the stomach and make the baby vomit.

Infants with GERD usually tend to gain weight. It's just that vomiting can occur more than 10 times a day.
3. Pyloric stenosis 

The valve muscles between the stomach and intestine become thicker, so that the contents of the stomach find it difficult to find a way out of the stomach and eventually vomit the baby. Pyloric stenosis is characterized by babies who are constantly hungry and do not gain weight.
4. intestinal obstruction

Bowel obstruction can occur when babies under 6 months have been given food other than breast milk.

Food will be difficult to digest and clogged in the intestine, so every time new food enters, the reaction will cause vomiting. This condition is usually accompanied by an enlarged abdomen.
Possible manipulations

Handling is the most important thing in babies who vomit. Here are some tips you can do:

1. Prevent dehydration while still giving your baby ORS to drink or drink if there isn't.

2. Place the baby in bed or transported if he is more comfortable

3. Stop drugs that stimulate vomiting if present

4. If the baby can eat solid food, avoid giving him solid food in the first 6 hours.

5. Give sweet drinks like syrup and honey, gradually, 1-2 tablespoons every 15 to 20 minutes.

6. Don't move before eating

7. See a doctor if you find several conditions, such as:

  • Vomiting continued for 12 hours
  • Accompanied by diarrhea, nerve disorders or difficulty breathing
  • Box or signs of dehydration
  • Stomach upset
  • Fill green vomit

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