Identify the cause of this contagious Active Virus wart

Identify the cause of this contagious Active Virus wart

Not many people know, because warts turn out to be a type of infectious virus. Although usually not dangerous, this condition can spread if not treated quickly.

For treatment of warts made to be effective, you must do so based on known types. There are four common types of warts, and they have all the symptoms and characteristics of each.
human papillomavirus, the cause of warts is rarely known

HPV has more than 150 types of viruses, not all can cause warts. If the body is attacked by HPV it can cause warts, there will be higher keratin growth. Keratin is a difficult protein and is located on the top surface of the skin.

In some types of HPV can cause warts, each of which gives rise to different types of warts. Viruses spread easily, so you might be infected even if only in direct or indirect contact with an infected person.

In addition, this virus can easily enter the body when someone is injured. Thus, not surprisingly, this condition often occurs in children. Warts also often occur in people who shave regularly.

Not only can it be transmitted to others, warts can spread from one area of ​​the body to another.

When you make contact with people who have this infection, warts usually do not appear immediately. It usually takes several months for the warts to grow large enough to be seen.

Identify the type of HPV causing warts in symptoms
There are several types of warts that are grouped according to location and appearance. Here are four types of warts, as well as the signs and symptoms that you must recognize:

1. common warts (verruca vulgaris)

These warts look like hard lumps on the skin, with rough surfaces, and usually resemble cauliflower. These types of warts generally have signs and symptoms such as:

  • Usually grows on the fingers, around the nails, back of hands, elbows and knees
  • This usually happens when the body is injured
  • On the surface visible from black spots

2. foot warts

Foot warts usually have signs and symptoms including:

  • Most often appears on the heels and toes
  • Can occur more than once, and collect
  • Different from ordinary warts like bumps, it is flat warts usually due to foot pressure
  • painful
  • sometimes it seems to have black spots

3. Flat warts

flat warts or flat warts have the following signs and symptoms.

  • Can happen anywhere. In children, this condition usually appears on the face.
  • Meanwhile, in men, flat warts are in the area around the beard and mustache, and women in the legs.
  • Smaller than other types of warts
  • These usually appear in large numbers, ranging from 20 to 100 in
  • time of infection

4. Wart yarn

Filiform warts have the following signs and symptoms.

  • As fingers projecting small
  • It usually appears on the face, which is around the mouth, eyes and nose
  • developing rapidly

All people infected with HPV have warts

HPV as a cause of warts is a very common virus and almost everyone comes in contact with. However, not everyone who has ever come in contact with HPV has warts.

As a result, each person's immune system has a different ability to infection. Some people's immune systems are stronger in fighting off viral infections, which can prevent warts from forming.

In addition to these other reasons, children who are most commonly affected by warts, compared to adults, are believed to be also related to this. The immune system is not built as a perfect child to be strong against HPV infection.

If the warts have seen begin to appear on the skin, you should immediately check
doctor. faster treatment the wart begins, then it is likely to spread and
the size increase will also be smaller.

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