Is this an effective way to get rid of oil on the face, ready to try?

Is this an effective way to get rid of oil on the face, ready to try?

Good news for those who have brave faces. Because, now, there are various ways to get rid of sebum on the face that can be tried. So, your goal to get a cleaner and healthier facial skin can be more easily achieved.

The following article explains how to treat oily skin to help you get a brighter face.

How to remove oil naturally on the face

Facial skin, which tends to be sensitive, encourages many people to prefer treatments that contain natural ingredients. Similarly, when you want to get rid of excess oil on the face. Here's how to get rid of oils naturally on your face, which you can try.

Honey is a natural way to get rid of oil on the face
• Use honey

The benefits of honey for skin health vary greatly, including reducing oil on the face. This is achieved because of the antibacterial and antiseptic honey content.

How to remove oil on the face using honey involves applying a thin layer of honey to the face. Better, you choose natural honey that is raw and has not been processed with the addition of other ingredients.

After applying it to the skin, leave the honey for about 10 minutes until it dries. If it's dry, you can wash your face with warm water.
• enjoy oatmeal

Oatmeal is thought to help relieve facial inflammation and absorb excess oil. This ingredient can also help exfoliate dead skin cells.

To experience the benefits of oatmeal as an ingredient for facial care, here are the steps that must be followed.

  • Mash the oatmeal until smooth, then mix with warm water until a paste is obtained.
  • Add one tablespoon of honey to the oatmeal mixture.
  • Apply the mixture to your face by massaging it gently for about three minutes.
  • After that, wash your face with warm water and dry.

In addition to the steps above, you can also apply the oatmeal mixture to the face and leave it for 10-15 minutes, then wash with warm water.

• Mix egg whites and lemons
Egg whites and lemons are thought to help reduce pore size. In addition, the acid found in lemons, also called can help absorb oil on the face.

You can make a lemon egg white mask to remove the oil above by following the steps below.

  • Mix the egg whites with one teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • Then, apply the mixture to the face and wait for it to dry.
  • After that, wash your face with warm water and dry.

Almonds can absorb excess oil on the face

• destroy almonds

Almonds are crushed, can trigger the exfoliation of dead skin cells and absorb excess oil on the face. Use crushed almonds as a mask as follows.

  • Mix almonds to form three teaspoons of powder.
  • Mix almond powder with 2 tablespoons of raw honey.
  • Apply to face with circular movements.
  • Wash your face with warm water and dry.

• apply aloe vera
It has long been thought that aloe vera is a way to get rid of oil on the face. You can apply a little aloe vera gel before bed and leave it until morning.

• make a tomato mask

Tomatoes contain salicylic acid which is good for acne. Because salicylic acid can absorb excess oil on the face and eliminate blockages in the pores. To get the benefits of this tomato, you can make it a mask like below.

  • Mix one teaspoon of sugar with tomato seeds obtained from tomatoes.
  • Apply to face with circular movements.
  • Leave the mask on your face for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse face with warm water and dry.

Even though it's natural, you must remember that the risk of irritation and allergies still exists. Be careful when trying to practice this method above and immediately stop using these natural ingredients if an allergic reaction or irritation such as itching and redness occurs.
Another step to remove oil

In addition to natural ingredients, you can try getting oil on your face to get a healthy, oil-free face.
Choose a mild facial cleanser for oily faces

• Choose the right cleanser

For oily skin, use a gentle and gentle facial cleanser. Don't use aggressive facial cleansers because this will trigger an increase in oil production through the skin.

You can also choose facial cleansers that contain salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid or beta-hydroxy acid.

• wash your face at least twice a day

The easiest way to get rid of oil on your face is to wash your face at least twice a day, morning and night.

Foaming Cleansing Foaming Cleanser is more effective at removing oil from the face than cream-based products.

• Use astringent

Astringent is a product that can help defeat a fat face. Astringent is almost identical to toner, but this product is specifically designed for oily skin.

Apply the astrigent after washing your face, but before using a moisturizer or acne medicine.
• Limit the use of products containing scrubs

By using excessive exfoliation products, oil production on the face will increase and irritate the skin. Indeed, if you use scrubs too often, the skin will be drier and the glands under it will produce more sebum so that the skin remains wet.
• Use facial tissue or oily paper for the face

Using facial tissue is a convenient way to remove oil on the face. This product can remove excess oil on the face without drying the skin.

To use it, do not brush or rub this paper all over your face. The right way to use it is to stick it on fatter areas such as the nose, chin, or forehead.
Choose a sunscreen based on water for oily skin

• Continue to use sunscreen

For those of you who have oily skin, use sunscreen with gel ingredients. Sun creams with lotions or creams tend to make your skin oilier.

• Botox injections

Botox or Botulinum toxin is an effective way to remove oil from the face. However, this procedure can only be done by a doctor. Don't do this procedure unnecessarily because it can cause various complications.

• laser treatment

Another method that you can try to reduce oily skin is to undergo laser treatment. This procedure must be repeated several times to maximize the results obtained.

• photodynamic therapy

Just like a laser, photodynamic therapy must be done several times before the results are actually visible, to reduce oil levels on the face.

This therapy destroys the oil cells and then reduces the size of the sebaceous glands under the skin. The result, oil production on the face will be reduced.

• Use of contraceptive pills
The contraceptive pill can also be used as a way to remove oil on the face because it can reduce the production of androgenic hormones that trigger oil production to the skin.

Consult with a skin specialist for the most appropriate way to remove oil stains from the face, depending on your condition. If you want to buy a product that is sold freely, make sure the product is safe by checking the marketing authorization and the content.

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