Late menstruation? Could be a hallmark of pregnancy

Late menstruation? Could be a hallmark of pregnancy

For married couples who are waiting for pregnancy, any changes in the body will be exciting. Is that a pregnancy characteristic or just a false alarm?

Checking through a testpack is certainly easy, right? But sometimes, two testpack lines don't appear if it's too early.

For this, you need to know what are the most common pregnancy features below.

When do you pay attention to the characteristics of pregnancy?

Changes in a woman's body can be felt about one or two weeks after intercourse. However, almost 60% of women only feel that there is a change when their uterus enters in 5 to 6 weeks.

When feeling the characteristics of pregnancy is not a problem. Every woman will feel different during her pregnancy. Even the second, the third pregnancy may look different from the first pregnancy.

What are the characteristics of pregnancy?

Of course, the first sign when a woman is pregnant is that menstruation is too late. For those whose menstrual schedules are always regular, of course we can feel one or two days late.

In addition, many other pregnancy characteristics are felt by pregnant women.

The following is:

  • Breast pain or tenderness

Sometimes women feel more sensitive breasts before menstruation. It turns out the same thing can be a hallmark of pregnancy.

So what's the difference? For pregnant women, this pain continues, unlike breast pain before menstruation that only seems temporary. This is because the hormones estrogen and progesterone increase and blood flow in the breast becomes heavier.

  • The areola in the chest is darker in color

See the areola color on the chest that looks darker and wider? This is a characteristic of subsequent pregnancies that is also popular.

In addition, if you look closely, you will see spots on the edges of the areola glands. This gland is used to lubricate the nipples when the baby is born and the mother is ready to breastfeed.

  • Spotted out

If there are pink or brown spots on your pants, it can be a characteristic of your next pregnancy. This condition is called implantation bleeding which can occur 6 to 12 days after intercourse.

This bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus and causes mild irritation. Sometimes this feature is misinterpreted as menstruation.

  • Body temperature increases

Once again, due to an increase in the hormones estrogen and progesterone, pregnant women can become hot because their body temperature rises. In fact, during the ovulation period of women, basal body temperature increases during ovulation and decreases during menstruation.

But if pregnancy occurs, this basal temperature will remain high. Take your time, it is a biological thing that pregnant women know about.

  • The frequency of urination increases

Do you feel more urination when fluid intake does not increase? This can be a characteristic of pregnancy.

When the egg is attached to the uterus, the hormone hCG will increase rapidly. Side effects that often want to urinate.

  • Vomiting (morning sickness)

This is also the most common feature of pregnancy and often occurs in the morning. Again, this is caused by a drastic increase in the hormone hCG in the body.

In fact, 50 to 90% of pregnant women will experience morning sickness. Take your time, usually it will stop in the first trimester of pregnancy.

There are many other features of pregnancy that are more or less related to hormonal changes. Relax, that's a positive signal.

In addition to the good news about pregnancy that will shake the baby for at least the next 30 weeks, hormones such as estrogen and progesterone are very important to keep your pregnancy healthy. Find out what makes you more comfortable.

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