Late treatment, this leprosy complication lurks the victim

Late treatment, this leprosy complication lurks the victim

Leprosy is one of the oldest diseases in the world, but it still exists today. In Indonesia alone, the Ministry of Health explained that there were almost 16,000 new cases of leprosy until 2019.

Indeed, leprosy is a curable disease if the patient is not late to the doctor and get the right treatment. Of course, care must be fully supported by the patient.

Late treatment will usually produce leprosy complications. Not infrequently the danger of permanent physical disability haunts lepers. Therefore, leprosy symptoms must be recognized as early as possible to avoid complications.

What are the symptoms of leprosy?
The disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae can actually be cured if treated early. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the symptoms of leprosy as soon as possible.

The problem is that the symptoms of leprosy usually only appear after years of patient infection. This is why this disease is often treated late. In general, the characteristics of leprosy can include:

  • Stains appear on the skin. These spots can be reddish or lighter than normal skin color. The feet, hands, tip of the nose, pavilion or the back are parts of the body that are generally covered by leprosy. Although it doesn't hurt, stains can develop over time.
  • Dry and cracked skin on hands and feet. These symptoms are caused by the fact that the sebaceous glands and sweat cannot work, which is caused by the nerves of the patient's damaged skin.
  • Numbness or tingling in leprosy. Numbness can also occur in the hands, fingers, feet and feet.
  • Hair loss, especially in leprosy areas. This loss can also occur on eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • Weakened muscles, usually in the hands and feet.
  • The fingers are bent due to paralysis of the hand muscles.
  • Ulserous lesions on the sole of the foot, especially the heel. This injury does not hurt at all, so it might not be done.
  • Eye problems, for example, cannot blink because of nerve damage. As a result, the eyes become dry, boils appear and may even become blind.

The stigma in the community about leprosy still tends to be bad. As a result, people with leprosy are often rejected and exiled for fear of spreading the disease to those around them.

The victim is ashamed of his condition and is reluctant to see a doctor. In fact, the sooner leprosy is treated, the fewer patients will be disabled.
Complications of leprosy due to lack of care
Leprosy treatment is usually done by taking several types of antibiotics for several months or even years. Rifampicin, clofazimine, and dapsone are the type of antibiotics given.

These drugs must be prescribed by a doctor because they require the right combination, depending on the patient's health condition. In addition, side effects can also cause interference with organs (such as eyes and ears).

If the disease worsens and is not fully treated, leprosy can continue to develop and cause various complications. Starting from nerve damage, eye disorders, chronic nosebleeds, kidney failure. The following explanation:

  • Damage to the nasal mucous membranes (mucous membranes in the nose) can cause nasal congestion and chronic nosebleeds. If left untreated, cartilage at the tip of the nose (septum) can erode and break down.
  • Inflammation of the iris can cause glaucoma.
  • Changes in facial shape, such as lumps and permanent swelling.
  • The condition of the cornea of ​​the eye becomes insensitive, so that it can cause scarring which can cause blindness.
  • Especially for men they have the potential to suffer from erectile dysfunction and infertility.
  • Renal insufficiency.
  • Paralysis of the hands and feet can also occur due to nerve damage. In the most severe cases, the patient may get hurt and feel nothing until the toe nails disappear.
  • Injuries that occur to the heel of the foot can become infected and trigger pain when walking.

Given the terrible and fatal complications of leprosy, it is very important to recognize the symptoms of this disease at an early stage. Do not underestimate the abnormal spots that appear on your skin.

If in doubt, consult a doctor immediately. With this, the diagnosis will be made as soon as possible and the right treatment can be obtained.

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