Preeclampsia, a serious complication that occurs during pregnancy

Preeclampsia, a serious complication that occurs during pregnancy

Preeclampsia is a serious problem that occurs during pregnancy. This of course can be fatal for you and the fetus if nothing is done.

Until now, the exact cause of preeclampsia is still unknown. However, blood vessels in the placenta, suspected as a trigger.

Pre-eclampsia is commonly experienced by pregnant women

Preeclampsia is also known as pregnancy poisoning. This is a common complication during pregnancy. About 5% of pregnant women suffer from preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia usually occurs when your blood pressure is high, you have protein in your urine and your stomach is more than 20 weeks old.

However, in some cases, preeclampsia can occur more quickly or after delivery. Pregnancy poisoning is characterized by a sudden increase in blood pressure, and swelling of the face, feet and hands.

Causes and risk factors for preeclampsia

The exact cause of preeclampsia has not been identified. It may involve blood vessels in the placenta. In addition, there are several potential causes such as blood vessel problems, autoimmune disorders and genetic factors.

There are also a number of risk factors that can increase your chances of experiencing preeclampsia, as follows:
  • More than 35 years
  • First pregnancy
  • Have a history of kidney problems
  • Have a history of hypertension
  • Have a history of diabetes
  • obesity
  • Contains twins

If you have the above risk factors, you must be careful. Check your doctor and uterus regularly.

Symptoms of preeclampsia

You may not be aware of the symptoms of preeclampsia. However, here are some common symptoms of preeclampsia that are important for you to know.

  • Abnormal swelling of hands and face
  • Severe headache
  • hard to breathe
  • Pain under the right side of the rib cage
  • Upper right abdominal pain
  • vomit
  • Small urine comes out
  • Weight gain increases quickly due to fluid retention
  • Vision becomes blurred.
  • Decreased platelets
  • Hypertension
  • Protein in urine
  • Liver insufficiency

In addition, there are also signs of severe preeclampsia. Signs include changes in fetal heart rate that indicate pressure, fluid in the lungs, convulsions, abdominal pain, and kidney or liver disorders.

Complications of preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a serious disease of pregnancy. This poisoning can threaten the safety of the mother and fetus. In addition to the symptoms above, other complications can occur, including:

  • Placental detachment (placenta detached from the uterine wall)
  • Damage to the liver
  • Pulmonary edema
  • Renal insufficiency
  • Bleeding problem
  • Complications of babies born too early to overcome preeclampsia

Treatment of preeclampsia

Childbirth is one of the best ways to defeat preeclampsia because it can prevent the development of the disease. Childbirth is done if preeclampsia occurs when the gestational age reaches 37 weeks or more. Meanwhile, if preeclampsia occurs at a younger gestational age, delivery is not the best choice for the fetus.

However, there are drugs that can be recommended to treat preeclampsia, as follows:

1. Antihypertensive:

This medicine is used to lower blood pressure.

2. Anticonvulsants:

This medicine is used to prevent seizures.

3. Corticosteroids:

This drug can improve platelet and liver function.

In some cases, blood pressure can increase after giving birth. Therefore, check your blood pressure regularly after giving birth. It would be better to continue treatment.

Pre-eclampsia that is not treated immediately can cause eclampsia. Eclampsia is a continuation of preeclampsia which can cause seizures in pregnant women, coma and even death.

If you see abnormal signs during pregnancy, you should immediately check your health and your uterus at a doctor. Always take care of yourself and your stomach to stay healthy.

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