Raging and stomach aches in babies, what should parents do?
Without knowing the exact cause, babies suddenly cry and fuss. This condition is commonly known as colic. What is colic and how to treat colic in infants?
You could say colic in babies is a bit of a mystery. Tears never fade and fuss suddenly often happens, even though the baby is healthy and full.
Colic babies can cry for more than three hours every day, for more than three weeks. In addition, colic may occur in infants aged two weeks or more.
After the baby is 3-4 months old, colic will disappear by itself. Gender, breast milk or formula milk, does not affect colic in infants.
In fact, children who are often colic as babies, can grow normally like other children who have never colic.
Causes of Colic
To be sure, the cause of colic in infants is not yet known. That is why, the experts also cannot clearly determine what can be overcome.
However, there are several theories behind colic in infants, including:
- The digestive system begins to develop and cause spasms in the baby's muscles
- Bloated baby's belly / begah
- Hormones that cause stomach aches or fussy moods
- Too sensitive or too stimulated by light, noise, and the like.
- Moody baby
- The nervous system is still not fully developed
Keep in mind, there are many things that cause babies to cry and not all crying means colic.
If you are worried about the baby, you should take it to the doctor to do a thorough examination and avoid complications why babies often cry and fuss.
Causes of Colic in Infants
- There is an infection
- Acid reflux or stomach problems
- Inflammation of the brain and nervous system
- Eye problems, such as scratches or increased pressure
- Irregular heartbeat
- Bone, muscle, or finger injury
How to Overcome Colic
Depending on the problem and needs of colic in infants, of course, only doctors can help you determine the best course of action.
You can try to calm your baby and try patiently caring for your child until the colic period ends at 3-4 months old.
Continue to try various methods and find the way that you think works. Keep in mind, colic in babies will disappear by itself.
So, maybe just need time to wait for the baby's crying and fussiness to subside.
Things Parents Must Do when a Colic Baby
A challenge if you have babies who are often colic. Understand that this is natural.
Sometimes, the mother will feel upset and angry because the little one is too sensitive. However, you are not a bad parent, so there's no need to feel guilty or upset.
If you feel you are on the edge and tired, it's okay to let the baby play in the box alone.
Meanwhile, you can leave your baby's room to calm down for a moment.
Rest while the baby sleeps so that the mother does not feel tired. At least, after your child woke up, you can also restore fresh energy and be ready to face all challenges.
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