Recognize the Characteristics of Dengue as Anticipatory Measures of this Disease

Recognize the Characteristics of Dengue as Anticipatory Measures of this Disease
If there is a fever that doesn't get better with a decrease in platelets or platelets, and one of the diseases that usually comes to mind is direct dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). However, DHF is not only marked by two things. There are other characteristics that dengue can occur in various organs. The features that appear are too different in children and adults.
The features of dengue in children are generally lighter than the characteristics experienced by adults or older children. In infants and children, symptoms of fever and redness of the skin usually appear, but this condition can mimic the symptoms of other diseases.

In the first infection, the symptoms experienced will be lighter and sometimes you are not aware of. The body will form immunity against dengue virus. However, the body can still be infected by this type of dengue virus. In subsequent infections, the symptoms will be more severe.
Characteristics of the main dengue

The four main features of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) are high fever, bleeding, heart enlargement and blood flow failure. In addition, blood tests will be found (decreased platelet or platelet count) thrombocytopenia accompanied by an increase in blood concentration.

Children suffering from dengue fever rise in body temperature suddenly. Fever in children can reach 40 degrees Celsius. In infants and children, beware of febrile seizures when the body temperature is too high.

Fever begins to be felt within 4 days to 2 weeks after the bite of a mosquito carrying the dengue virus. In general, symptoms are experienced in periods of 2-7 days. A decrease in fever does not mean you are free of dengue fever. This period is the time you need to be aware of the risk of becoming a critical condition.

In DHF, the skin will experience petechiae, reddish spots on the skin that do not disappear when pressed. This is because of ruptured capillaries in the skin. Petechiae is spread on the arms, legs, armpits, face and ceiling.

The features that accompany dengue fever and spots on the skin, namely redness or facial heat and general symptoms such as weight loss or anorexia, severe headaches, muscle aches, bones and joints. A feature that may also occur is pain behind the eyes.

Some children usually join a sore throat. Cough and rhinitis can occur even if they are rarely characteristic of someone who has dengue.

enlarged liver aura at the beginning of a fever. In general, the liver can be palpated at 2-4 cm below the rib cage. Despite an enlarged liver, yellow skin or jaundice is rare. Apart from the liver, the spleen can be enlarged. This condition rarely occurs in infants.
Characteristics of general dengue

After fever drops, dengue characteristics will become increasingly common. In addition, you are also prone to bleeding. For example, bleeding gums when brushing teeth or sudden nosebleeds. You also need to be careful when your body is bruised. Bleeding can occur in the digestive tract and other organs in the body. This is characterized by vomiting of blood or black chapter.

digestive disorders such as nausea, vomiting and severe stomach aches also include features of Cici Dengue fever. In severe conditions, DHF patients may experience respiratory distress, dehydration, shock. Although rare, this condition can be fatal if not immediately receive treatment by a doctor.

1 Response to "Recognize the Characteristics of Dengue as Anticipatory Measures of this Disease"

  1. No specific medicine or vaccine has been approved for the treatment of dengue so far. It is advisable to take liquid like coconut water,  Dengue


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