Regulate healthy eating habits to prevent obesity

Regulate healthy eating habits to prevent obesity
Obesity can attack anyone without any difference. Being overweight is known to increase the risk of many life-threatening chronic diseases. To avoid obesity while reducing the risk of chronic diseases, your eating habits need to be improved. What eating habits are regulated to prevent obesity? Come on, consider the following review.
Establish eating habits to prevent obesity

Obesity (overweight) is caused by a combination of genetic makeup, poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. Of these three factors, most people tend to have poor eating habits.

Most people don't know that their eating habits are not healthy. Others know that their eating habits are not good, but don't ignore them. In fact, eating habits are very closely related to body scales.

If poor eating habits are not eliminated, weight gain becomes out of control, obesity can suppress and eventually lead to diabetes, heart disease and metabolic syndrome. Of course, you don't want obesity complications to occur, do you?

So, from now on, adjust your eating habits to be healthier to prevent obesity and obesity. Here are healthy eating habits and you must apply.
1. Choose foods that are healthier

Choosing healthy food is one of the most basic eating habits to prevent weight gain and obesity. Healthy food in question, namely far more nutritional content and how to treat it is also healthy.

Well, examples of healthy foods that you can enjoy are vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, fish, eggs, lean chicken and beef.

Then, how to treat it must also be considered. For example, cooking with a little oil, without boiling vegetables for too long, and choosing foods that are cooler than those that are packaged or processed.
2. Eat enough

Healthy eating habits to prevent obesity then include paying attention to food portions. Most foods often cause calories that are not used optimally.

Excess calories will become body fat mass, gain weight and increase the risk of obesity. For this reason, you should not eat large portions if not balanced with appropriate activities.
3. Can bite, but food portions and choices are taken into account

Eating habits to prevent obesity that you must apply next is to eat on time. Not when you are very hungry or when your stomach is still full. If you are hungry but haven't come for lunch or dinner, you can bite.

Snacks can delay hunger and replenish the body's energy. It's just that snacks should not be consumed in large portions. Similarly, those that contain a lot of sugar or salt.

Snacks should be chosen carefully so as not to exceed the recommended number of calories. Healthy snacks that can make you feel full longer including soy snacks.

Research published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2015 shows that eating soy as a snack can control your appetite. In addition, soy snacks can also improve mood and cognitive function of the brain.
4. Don't sleep after eating

fire also causes weight gain. This happens because calories are not used optimally and form a pile of fat in the body. After eating, do activities other than sleep for at least 3 hours.

Drowsiness after eating is often caused by overeating and makes you feel full. To avoid this, you must pay attention to food portions.
5. eat slowly while concentrating

Healthy eating habits to prevent obesity also include the way you eat. To be more enjoyable, you must definitely focus on the food that has been served and eat quietly.

In this way, you can chew food better and know when it's time to stop eating. Avoid all activities that interfere with concentration when eating. For example, watching TV, social media or chatting.
6. eat on time

What makes you eat more than usual? Of course, the answer is a big appetite. This is very common if you often skip breakfast or delay eating.

If you don't want to eat too much and you gain weight, eat on time. Take time to fill your empty stomach with breakfast. Then get rid of your work or other activities at lunch.

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