Risks and Dangers of Cavity

Cavity is the most common dental disease experienced by almost everyone in the world, it is considered normal. In fact, if the remaining cavity is severe, it can eventually be fatal to health.

Why do dental problems that are considered trivial, can be fatal to the overall health of the organization? Because if not handled properly, the cavity can cause infection in the body's tissues. This infection is caused by bacteria in cavities that spread in other tissues. If you are already traveling in tissue, it is a matter of time to infect your organs.

Risks and Dangers of Cavity
Exceeds the risk of body cavities

Oral health has a close relationship health in general. oral health will affect the general state of health of the body, and vice versa.

Terms of cavity that cause toothache. This will certainly cause concentration and daily activities disrupted. If a toothache occurs in a long period of time, be ready to lose weight, because a toothache can make chewing difficult and suffer from anorexia. Cavities if left unchecked can cause tooth abscesses, which are increasingly pus pockets on the teeth and gums.

Other risks of cavities can grow are endocarditis and sinusitis. Endocarditis is an infection that occurs in the lining of the heart valves and chambers of your heart. Cavities can also spread into the walls of the sinus cavity and cause sinus infections or sinusitis.

Pregnant women also need to be careful, because bacteria entering the bloodstream can spread throughout the body, including the uterus and fetus. This increases the risk of premature birth due to fetal growth in the presence of infection. Fetal growth can also cause low birth weight in infants.

Better prevention options stay

Although the steps to solve the problem of tooth decay and increasingly easy, preventive measures are the wisest choice. The following are some of the actions that dental care can take.

  • Visit your dentist
Visiting the dentist regularly is a wise step to protect you from dental problems. Consult with experts is of course necessary to avoid things that are not desirable.
  • eat healthy
The cause of dental caries is the most dominant pile of sugar which is converted to acid by bacteria in the mouth. Therefore, reducing the consumption of foods and drinks that are too sweet. Most often you chew food and drinks full of sugar, more acid produced by bacteria.
To prevent yourself from cavities, gum containing xylitol can help. In addition to helping clean teeth, gum containing xylitol can reduce the growth of bacteria that cause cavities.
  • Brushing teeth regularly
Wash your teeth twice a day should be done to clean the remaining food in the mouth. Even if he can do it after eating, rinse his mouth to reduce food scraps in the mouth.
Use toothpaste that contains fluoride to prevent cavities. This compound is useful for the maintenance of teeth and the protective layer of tooth loss.
  • drink a lot
One function of saliva is to distribute fluoride to all parts of the teeth so that the risk of dental caries is increasingly rare. To produce optimal saliva, it helps to drink enough water.

Do you take precautions to minimize the risk of cavities? If so, you also minimize the risk of dangerous diseases. Do not wait to see a dentist if a toothache complaint.

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