Rose water and antibiotics for acne, effective or even dangerous?

Rose water and antibiotics for acne, effective or even dangerous?

Not long ago, solutions to acne that circulated were quite viral on social media. In the downloads mentioned, a mixture of antibiotics and rose water is considered effective for making the skin smoother. This method then raises many questions: is it safe to use antibiotics to treat acne?

The use of antibiotics and rose water for acne is actually not new. However, the method of mixing the two is rarely seen before.

Antibiotics and rose water for acne, is it safe?

In this download, the antibiotic used is an antibiotic tablet which is then ground to form a powder and mixed with rose water. The antibiotic used is a type of amoxicillin.

According to Dr. Reni Utari, SehatQ's medical editor, the use of amoxicillin antibiotics to be applied directly to the face is actually not recommended, because there is no definitive research on this method.

"This research is still contradictory, some say it can, some say it is ineffective. For research that shows that you can, amoxicillin is taken by mouth and is not self-destructed," he stated.

Besides that, Dr. Reni also added that the viral method is not recommended and can cause contamination. "If you destroy it yourself like that, no, I think the process is definitely not sterile, and it has to be feared, not cured, that this method can really make the skin more irritated.

Antibito for acne has its own type

The use of antibiotics to get rid of pimples is not new. Acne is a skin problem caused by bacteria. Therefore, the use of antibiotics can be effective in removing this cause.

It's just that, this type of antibiotic for acne cannot be confused with antibiotics for other conditions. In addition, its use cannot be destroyed and mixed with rose water.

"Acne antibiotics are usually used and, if applied, they are already in the form of creams or lotions. If it's in powder form, it's not effective because it will be difficult to infiltrate too much into the skin" added Dr. Reni

The types of antibiotics commonly used for acne are:

• doxycycline

Doxycycline is a type of antibiotic that can be used to treat acne. This drug is given as an oral medication, according to the doctor's prescription.

This antibiotic will make people who drink more sensitive to sunlight. In addition, doxycycline consumption must also be accompanied by food, so as not to cause nausea.

• clindamycin

Antibiotics for clindamycin type acne, available as drugs or oral creams. If used as an oral medication, clyndamicine can cause side effects, such as gastrointestinal infections.

Efficacy of rose water for acne on the face

Rose water has a number of health benefits, including:

  • Overcoming a sore throat
  • Overcoming various eye diseases
  • Speed ​​up the healing process
  • Overcoming headaches
  • Good for digestion.

The benefits of rose water for the skin are well known. Indeed the content of rose water is good for the skin, which is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

It is believed that the antibacterial content of rose water reduces acne on the skin. Meanwhile, anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce redness and irritation of the skin.

These two advantages can make viral downloading methods considered effective. However, mixing rose water with crushed antibiotic tablets has never been studied before.

So you have to be more careful if you want to practice it. Do not let the effort to make the skin look beautiful, it turns against.

You should also pay more attention if you want to use rose water for other conditions. All rose water does not have the same method of use.

Better to consult with the state of the skin get your pimples on a dermatologist, to get the right, safe, and effective treatment.

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