The right natural way to handle belly packs

Almost everyone feels stomach ache. In general, abdominal pain is a term used to describe dull pain in the stomach or stomach cramps. A form of stomachache that is often complained of is turning the stomach.

Many conditions and diseases that can cause stomach pain covered. Diseases and problems that affect the organs of the digestive tract such as the intestine, liver, pancreas, gallbladder and stomach can be a source of stomach pain. Some of the causes that can make the stomach feel twisted are infections, food poisoning, digestive disorders.

The right natural way to handle belly packs
Natural ingredients to overcome stomach bends

Everyone has different techniques for dealing with stomach pain. However, one method that works for one person may not be effective for another. So, what is the safest way to treat it by twisting the stomach?

Although there is still much to be learned, it is thought that the following natural ingredients help to overcome stomachaches:

  • ginger

According to research, ginger is a natural product that can overcome many types of stomach pain. Spices used since ancient times as antidotes to nausea contain natural anti-inflammatory. To overcome an upset stomach, you can chew a little ginger or put a few pieces of fresh ginger in a cup of hot tea. Nowadays, many supplements contain ginger, which makes it easy to consume.

  • Mint leaves

Another ingredient that can also be used to relieve stomach pain is mint leaves. The menthol content in these leaves acts as a natural pain reliever that can help reduce stomach pain and nausea. To relieve colic, drink mint leaves infused with warm water or hot tea. Another method that can be used is to suck mint or chew mint leaves directly.

  • Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can neutralize stomach upset. If you don't like the sharp taste being too strong, mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with water and one teaspoon of honey, then drink slowly. Apple cider vinegar can treat stomach disorders because it is able to overcome excess starch (complex carbohydrates that do not dissolve with water) and facilitate digestion. This allows starch to reach the intestine faster while maintaining the presence of healthy bacteria in the intestine.

  • BRAT scheme

The BRAT diet comes from the abbreviation of banana, rice, apple sauce, toast or banana, rice, applesauce, and toast. These four types of food are very helpful in relieving stomachaches, both nausea and diarrhea. The food above is low in fiber but rich in binding substances. Another advantage of the BRAT diet is its low salt content. This diet may have a bland taste, but will be very helpful when a person experiences abdominal pain, including a crooked stomach.

Different natural ingredients can be tried to relieve the bite you are experiencing. Even in this case, it is likely that not everyone can feel the benefits, and further research is still needed to prove its effectiveness.
How to relieve stomach wraps

In addition to the natural ingredients above, some of the actions below can also help relieve stomach aches:

  • Reduce or avoid activities that can build excess air in the stomach, such as smoking, eating too fast, chewing gum and drinking soft drinks.
  • Stop eating foods that cause stomach pain.
  • Eat a reasonable portion and don't overeat.
  • Do not lie down for at least two hours after eating.
  • Inadequate body needs.
  • Use a pillow or warm bottle filled with warm water and place it on a diseased stomach to relieve pain.

Although this is not considered a serious condition, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Especially if it happens for a long time despite the handling steps.

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