Understanding mastitis and the precautions that can be taken

Understanding mastitis and the precautions that can be taken
Mastitis is literally a breast infection. Mastitis can cause chest pain, redness, swelling, burning, and fever.

In general, mastitis occurs during breastfeeding. This condition can also occur in women who are not breastfeeding or in men. To prevent mastitis, there are several effective ways to proceed.

Mastitis is a breast infection

Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue that is often caused by the entry of bacteria from the baby's mouth into the breast ducts through the nipple gap. However, mastitis can also only inflammation of the breast without infection.

This condition is a common problem that occurs during breastfeeding, even in 20% of nursing mothers. Mastitis can occur at any time during breastfeeding, but more often in the first six weeks after the birth of a baby.

Besides being caused by the entry of bacteria into the breast, mastitis is also caused by the fact that nursing mothers do not regularly expire from breast milk. This causes swelling of the breasts and blocked ducts, leading to mastitis. In addition, mastitis can also be influenced by:

  • Stress
  • fatigue
  • Malnutrition
  • Tight bra or breast bra that does not fit
  • Intense training

In healthy women, mastitis is rare. However, women with chronic diseases, diabetes, immune system disorders or AIDS are more likely to experience this problem. Complications of mastitis may cause a collection of abscesses or pus in the breast that requires surgery. Therefore, immediately see a doctor if you feel affected by mastitis.
How to prevent mastitis

It is important to prevent mastitis to avoid various symptoms of painful breast infection, especially when breastfeeding. You can do several things to prevent mastitis, for example:

  • Breastfeeding especially when the breasts are full
  • Let the baby express milk from one breast before moving to another breast
  • Make changes in position from one breastfeed to another
  • Make sure your baby's mouth is properly attached to the breast when breastfeeding
  • Breastfeeding both breasts
  • Allow sore or cracked nipples to dry
  • Don't use a tight bra
  • Avoid dehydration by drinking plenty of fluids
  • Maintain cleanliness by washing hands, cleaning the nipples and keeping the baby clean
  • Avoid stress or fatigue because it can weaken the immune system and prevent it against mastitis.

By taking precautions, you will avoid mastitis. Apart from the above, it is assumed that certain foods can be eaten to prevent mastitis. Is it true?
Food to prevent mastitis
It is recommended that foods containing lecithin be consumed to prevent breast ducts which can cause breast infections. Lecithin is a natural substance found in egg yolks, soybeans, grains, nuts, meat, seafood, green vegetables and milk.

However, it is recommended not to consume these foods excessively, because foods that contain lecithin are also high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Besides food, you can also take lecithin supplements. However, always consult a doctor before trying supplements.

Besides lecithin, there are other foods you can eat while breastfeeding. When you breastfeed, you need lots of energy and nutrition. For this reason, consumption of the following nutrients will be very useful:

  • calcium

You need calcium as the main ingredient in breast milk. A good source of calcium can be found in milk, cheese, yogurt and soy milk. In addition, calcium can also protect the strength of your bones.

  • protein

Protein is a good source of food consumed during breastfeeding because it has a beneficial effect on the baby's development. Protein is found in meat, fish, chicken, eggs, and beans.

  • Iron

During breastfeeding, you need to replenish your iron supply, which is mainly used during pregnancy. Eating iron-rich foods such as red meat, chicken, fish, whole-grain bread, cereals, and green leafy vegetables can increase your body's iron content.

  • vitamin

During breastfeeding, your vitamin needs also increase. Vitamins are good for your baby's health. You can consume vitamin C, such as oranges, tomatoes, and potatoes. In addition, consumption of vitamin A, such as broccoli, carrots and pumpkin, is also needed.

  • Water

During breastfeeding, many women are very thirsty. Drink 8 to 10 glasses a day to stay hydrated. Avoid caffeinated drinks because this can affect breast milk and cause diarrhea in infants.

During breastfeeding, you must stay healthy by eating foods that are rich in nutrients. If health is maintained, you will avoid various diseases such as breast infections or mastitis. Therefore, always implement a healthy lifestyle to take care of your baby's health.

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