Use antibiotics properly for sore throats

The use of antibiotics for strep throat should not be done randomly. Antibiotics are drugs to treat laryngitis due to bacterial infections. For optimal treatment of strep throat, it must be adjusted to the cause.
Antibiotics work by killing bacteria that cause strep throat. If strep throat is caused by a viral infection or exposure to pollution such as cigarette smoke, antibiotics will have no effect.

Use antibiotics properly for sore throats
When should you take antibiotics?
In general, strep throat is characterized by symptoms of hoarseness, mild cough, headache, malaise, and pain when swallowing. In addition, fever, fatigue and swollen lymph nodes in the neck can also cause symptoms. Sore throat usually worsens for 2 to 3 days, then subsides within a week.

A sore throat that lasts too long or is serious, there is a possibility the doctor recommends the use of antibiotics. In addition, antibiotics for sore throats will also be given to people with certain conditions, such as chemotherapy, destruction of the spleen or a history of certain diseases, such as rheumatic fever or heart valves.

To ensure that a sore throat is caused by bacteria, the doctor can do a physical examination and swab or a sampling method around the throat to identify the bacteria that causes strep throat, if necessary.

Types of antibiotics for sore throats and their dosages

Amoxicillin, cephalosporin, erythromycin or clarythromycin are generally antibiotics. The use of antibiotics must be adapted to the type of spread of germs that are responsible for strep throat. Therefore, the choice of antibiotic drugs for strep throat must follow the doctor's recommendations.

In addition to killing bacteria, antibiotics for strep throat also have other benefits such as:

  • Relieves symptoms caused by strep throat.
  • Prevents the spread of bacteria to other body parts.
  • Prevent complications that can be caused by strep throat associated with bacterial infections, such as sinusitis, tonsillitis, rheumatic fever, pneumonia and bronchitis.

The duration of antibiotic use for strep throat varies depending on the patient's condition. Generally, the doctor will prescribe this antibiotic for about 10 days. Even if you feel that you have started to improve, you should continue to use antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor.

If the use of antibiotics for strep throat is stopped faster than prescribed by doctors, it is feared that some of the bacteria that cause inflammation in the throat are still alive and can cause the reappearance of the disease. sore throat.
Consider the side effects

Besides having a number of benefits, antibiotics also have side effects that you might feel after taking them. For example, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite or diarrhea. Usually, these side effects are only temporary. After treatment is stopped, these side effects will go away by itself.

However, some people may have an allergic reaction after taking certain types of antibiotics. Allergic reactions that may arise from sneezing, red rashes, dizziness, shortness of breath, or palpitations. If you experience this problem, contact your doctor immediately for treatment while avoiding more serious risks.

The emergence of bacterial immunity is another danger that can occur if the use of antibiotics is not as indicated. This condition can be dangerous because, if there is immunity against bacteria, antibiotic treatment will lose its effectiveness thereafter. Therefore, you should avoid taking antibiotics freely.

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