What exactly is the cause of a baby's head?

What exactly is the cause of a baby's head?
At birth, the baby's head is a part that must be taken into account by both parents. Head abnormalities can be a sign of interference with the brain. This disorder can take the form of head circumference that is too large (macrosefali) or too small (microcephaly). In rare cases, babies can be born without a skull or anencephaly. Besides size, deformation of the head can also occur. One of the most common cases is the shape of the baby's head.

The baby's head is medically referred to as plagiosefali, which corresponds to leveling the head on one side, so it looks asymmetrical. If you see the baby's head is peyang, you can see that the position of the right and left ears are not aligned.

The baby's head may also have a flat back. This condition is called brakisefali. The baby's head will appear enlarged with a prominent forehead as a result of brachisefaly.

Peyang baby heads often occur in infants less than 5 months old. However, you don't need to worry about your baby's head because this condition is a normal thing to happen and will disappear by itself as the baby grows. Peyang baby's head does not affect brain development.
The cause of a baby's head peyang

Disorders of the uterus cause easy pressure on the baby's head. This has a role to play on the baby's head. Some of these disorders include the fetus under siege or latitude, twin pregnancy and lack of amniotic fluid.

In addition, during normal labor, the condition of the uterus can also play a role in the formation of the baby's head. At the birth of the first child with normal delivery, pelvic floor muscles are firmer than the next delivery process. This puts more emphasis on the baby's head when the mother takes it out.

In addition, it is possible for babies born with normal head problems to have a headless baby head. Some things that can affect, include:
1. Sleep in the same position

After the baby is born, the baby's head can become peyang if the baby sleeps in the same position for a long time. This is normal because the baby in the first months is not strong enough to move his head.

However, do not change the baby's sleeping position on the stomach, just to avoid peyang on the baby's head. Sleeping on his stomach can be dangerous for the baby. Maintain a supine position on the baby. When lying down, the baby is protected from sudden death or sudden infant death syndrome.
2. Babies are born prematurely or prematurely
Premature babies have a higher risk of having a Peyang head. This is due to the condition of the bones that are still soft. In addition, most premature babies will benefit from incubator care for quite a long time.

Premature babies also tend to sleep in the same position because they do not have muscles strong enough to move their heads, so their heads tend to weaken.
3. Babies are born with torticollis

Torticollis is a neck muscle disorder that occurs when a baby is born. This causes the baby's head to tilt to one side, causing the baby's head to peek.

The doctor will encourage babies with torticollis to undergo physiotherapy. In physiotherapy, you will be taught how to provide the correct stretch to the neck. This exercise can be done several times a day to reduce the condition of torticollis felt by someone.

4. Craniosinostosis
Skull bone consists of a combination of several bones. When a newborn baby, the relationship between the bones are not closed or imperfect fused. If there is fusion in the relationship between previous bones, this condition is called craniocytosis. Cranocytosis is a rare cause of a baby's head, because it only affected 1 baby in 2000.

Too fast integration between the bones of the skull makes the head disproportionate and smaller in size. Sometimes this disease can also inhibit bone and brain growth.

If left unchecked, craniocytosis can cause retardation of head growth and increased intracranial pressure, which is pressure on the skull due to too much mass inside.

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