What happens during shipment that is blocked during normal delivery?

What happens during shipment that is blocked during normal delivery?

The process of birth of a baby for each pregnant woman is different. The same applies to the birth of the first child and subsequent births. It is important for couples who are waiting for their baby to prepare lunch for a normal delivery. One of them is understanding the steps and processes that will occur.

Normal childbirth

Birth of a baby begins with the latency phase, when uterine contractions begin to be felt but are irregular, and the cervix or cervix begins to widen and disappear. "Mucus plugs" that previously blocked the birth canal can come out and come out as clear, pink or reddish fluid from the vagina. This phase can last from a few hours to several days at the birth of the first child and shorter at the birth of the next child.

The active phase follows the latent phase, usually after opening 6 or opening 10. Contractions are felt to be more regular, stronger and more frequent. Usually, the pain associated with contractions is felt from the top of the stomach down, accompanied by pain in the waist. The amniotic fluid can rupture during this phase. The active phase lasts around 4-8 hours. This phase is uncomfortable. Try to stay calm and adjust your breathing properly.

The next stage of work is the birth of a baby. Characterized by a full opening, followed by a "crown", that's when the top of the baby's head is seen in the uterine canal. The process of giving birth to a baby's head is the most difficult process because the head is the largest part of the baby's body. If the head is born, work is usually easier. Sometimes, a baby's shoulder can get stuck in the uterus, called shoulder dystocia, and prevents work.

The duration of this phase varies from a few minutes to several hours. This phase is the time when the mother has to push with contractions to help the baby be born. Preparing to face this phase is very important for all pregnant women. One of them is to practice breathing during pregnancy before giving birth.

The right action is to focus the impulse downward, precisely to the birth canal. This is often described as tension in a hard saddle. One of the most common mistakes in trying is to focus the push on the stomach or even around the neck, or scream during the effort. This causes the mother's energy to be in vain.

The baby's birth will be followed by the last stage of labor, the birth of the placenta.

The work is stuck or not developing

In some cases, work can sometimes slow down and be watered. This condition is called blocked or incomplete delivery. It is very likely that you gave birth poorly if the baby did not come after 20 hours of regular contractions with the first child, 14 hours if you had given birth or 16 hours with twins.

One of the causes of undeveloped labor is dystocia (stalled labor), which is a condition of work disruption due to an abnormal fetal position (siege) or fetal height above normal. Dystocia has two types, cervical dystocia, which occur when the cervix is ​​not dilated during delivery. Another type of dystocia is shoulder dystocia: the baby's head comes out but the shoulder is stuck in the genital tract, so labor takes longer.

If this happens, medical personnel will closely monitor the condition of you and your baby, including the frequency and intensity of contractions, as well as the baby's heart rate and movement. How to cope with work does not develop according to the current phase, whether in the latent phase or in the active phase.

1. Work does not progress during the latency phase

Long latent phases usually do not cause serious complications in infants, but can cause stress and fatigue. Try to stay calm and relaxed. You can walk slowly, wake up, soak in warm water or change your sleeping position.

2. Childbirth is not progressing the active phase in the process

Because of the risk of more severe complications in this phase, work that does not progress to the active phase will require medical intervention, such as a pythosine infusion to accelerate labor or even cesarean section.

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