What Happens to a Confused Person? This Explanation

What Happens to a Confused Person? This Explanation
Delirium is a sudden change that occurs in the brain, causing confusion, emotional disturbances and a lack of awareness of the environment. Delirium patients usually have difficulty thinking, remembering, sleeping and impaired concentration.

Delirium can occur when a patient has a chronic illness, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, infection, surgery, drug poisoning or dementia (senile dementia). Delirium is temporary and can usually be treated effectively.
delirium symptoms appear within a few days

Delirium symptoms can usually begin to appear within a few days to weeks. Symptoms of delirium, or not oscillating stable throughout the day, become severe at night. Patients may even experience symptoms at some point.

The following are symptoms that may be experienced by patients with delirium.

  1. Decreased awareness of the environment:
  2. This can cause delirium sufferers to have difficulty focusing on the subject, difficult to respond to questions, easily distracted and isolated from the environment.
  3. cognitive impairment or thinking disorder:
  4. cognitive impairment can make people with delusions forget, disorientation (place, time and person), difficult to talk about because it is difficult to find words, often blabbering, and difficulty reading and writing.
  5. Changes in behavior:
  6. People with delirium may have hallucinations (see things that don't exist), fatigue, easy to panic, often call people, make annoying sounds, be quiet, withdrawn, slow, slow to move, and be damaged or change sleep patterns .
  7. emotional disturbance:
  8. Delirium causes sufferers to experience panic disorders, fear, paranoia, depression, anger, euphoria, apathy, mood swings and personality changes.

This condition causes delirium
Delirium occurs because the signals in the brain are disrupted, and the whole process that leads to disorders in the brain can cause delirium. Delirium can be caused by one or a combination of several conditions.

Here are some conditions that can cause delirium.

  • Some drugs or drug poisoning
  • alcohol intoxication or alcohol withdrawal syndrome
  • stroke, heart attack, asthma, lung disorders, liver disorders or injuries
  • metabolic disorders such as hyponotherapy or hypocalcemia
  • severe and chronic illness
  • Fever and acute infections, especially in children
  • urinary tract infections, pneumonia or flu, especially in the elderly
  • Exposure to gaseous or toxic compounds such as carbon monoxide, cyanide and other poisons
  • Malnutrition and dehydration
  • Lack of sleep or serious emotional disturbance
  • painful
  • Operations or medical procedures that require anesthesia

In addition to the factors that cause the above, delirium can occur in people with bands and conditions below.

  • Being treated in a hospital or being treated in a nursing home
  • old
  • Have a history of delirium
  • brain disorders such as stroke, dementia or Parkinson's disease
  • Having vision or hearing loss

The best way to prevent delirium is to identify the causes and risk factors that can trigger. Always consult a doctor if you or your family have symptoms or risk factors. early treatment, can reduce the severity of delirium.

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