Get to know the types of diets that are effective for weight loss

Different types of diets can be an option for weight loss. However, not all diets provide a consistent and good weight loss effect for your health. Some types of diets can affect changes in body weight, but can also affect health status due to significant weight loss.
Various types of diets that use advertising techniques promise to effectively lose weight. As a result, their products quickly attracted the attention and public debate. Despite the fact, the effectiveness of products sold requires certain general conditions on the part of consumers.
Popular types of diets
Call it mayo diet, high protein diet and diet shake. All three diets have a warm conversation and are found to lose weight faster than other diet techniques. However, did you know the effect of losing weight too fast in these three diets?

Mayo Diet
The mayo diet is actually a slimming diet that focuses on changing lifestyle to be healthier. But unfortunately, there is a wrong understanding and application of the mayo diet. This misconception about the mayo diet is closely related to the grapefruit diet or fake mayo diet. In particular, the mayo diet encourages a person to consume less carbohydrates but a lot of fat by including grapefruit.

Grapefruit diets that rely on fat-burning enzymes promise weight loss of up to 5kg in 12 days. Low-calorie consumption that is preferred by fruits of high nutritional value, such as grapefruit, is indeed a good choice for weight loss. But unfortunately, drastic weight loss due to a fake Mayo diet is less recommended because not only does it reduce fat, but the body can lose muscle and fluid. In addition, the ability of fat burning enzymes that are still not supported by clinical research makes this diet in the category not recommended.

High protein diet
In accordance with the name of the program, dieters are encouraged to eat protein-rich foods while limiting their consumption of carbohydrates from whole grains, fruits, vegetables and cereals. The idea to be conveyed is to minimize carbohydrate intake so that it can accelerate the process of weight loss. This minimal intake of carbohydrates causes the body to burn more fat, the body's natural reaction to produce energy.

High protein diets are usually harmless in the short term. However, this does not mean that this diet is completely risk free. Some health problems that can be caused are:

  • Too little carbohydrates, like fruits and vegetables, can cause the body to run out of nutrients and fiber. If this happens, there may be health problems with bad breath, headaches and constipation.
  • Eating high protein foods such as red meat and fatty milk products can cause high cholesterol levels and an increased risk of heart disease.
  • Diets high in protein can produce urine that contains calcium. Some experts also believe that this disease can cause osteoporosis and kidney stones. However, experts are still studying these two effects on the body.

It is advisable to consult with your doctor before starting this diet. Doctors can also help develop diets that still contain nutrients the body needs. Diets high in protein should be avoided, especially for people with kidney failure because they can interfere with kidney function.

Shake Diet
You can also try low calorie diet milk (partial agitation) in your diet. A study conducted in 2010 showed that a vibrating diet containing macronutrients essential for the body succeeded in losing weight in 93% of obese participants. In addition, diet regimens can also change body composition, including increasing the inflammatory component and oxidative stress, which are the main triggers of chronic disease.

You can also rely on diet when you don't have much time to shop and prepare healthy food. One expert said the vibrating diet could be an alternative choice when you often skip breakfast, which is important for long-term weight control.
Then what is the recommended healthy diet?

The results of rapid weight loss offered by some types of diets tend to be unsustainable in the long run. In fact, if not balanced with a healthy lifestyle and if lived consistently, this weight loss is only temporary. For this reason, it is recommended to lose weight gradually. Losing about 0.5 kg to 1 kg per week is considered a safe level. The reason, gradual weight loss will also make it easier for you to control.

Start by eating fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts instead of foods that contain calories. This food group can suppress hunger because of its fiber content. There are times when you don't have enough time to prepare healthy food. At times like this, you can choose a healthy food replacement menu. Choose what has the required balanced nutrition, able to eliminate hunger and not interfere with your diet business.

Remember, also check that the healthy food replacement menu that you have chosen has passed an official safety test. However, reducing calorie intake is not enough. You also have to get used to moving more so that weight loss is more important. For example, instead of using the elevator, it's healthier to walk down the stairs.

Remember to combine your diet with regular exercise, at least 30 minutes a day. After reading this article, you now have a choice. Is losing weight unhealthy?

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