Insomnia Myth

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that causes insomnia, which can drain your energy, your mood, your quality of life, your performance, even your health. If you still find it difficult to sleep or cannot go back to sleep after waking up, if only for a moment, then you are likely experiencing insomnia.

Other symptoms of insomnia that can be felt include waking up at night, inability to sleep despite fatigue, feeling tired, being offended and concentrating during the day.

Insomnia Myth
Some things about sleep are considered as factors and solutions to reduce insomnia, which can last for days or even weeks. Although these things are not always true. Here are some of them.

Myth 1: Watching TV can help the sleep process.
Increased levels of melatonin, a hormone in the brain before going to sleep, makes it easier to fall asleep. But the sound and light of a TV or computer monitor can really reduce melatonin levels.

Instead, you can listen to sweet rhythmic music that can help you relax and sleep.

Myth 2: Your body will get accustomed to fewer hours of sleep.
This myth is very dangerous because permanent lack of sleep can exhaust the body and cause small to serious problems, such as the risk of road accidents, decreased performance at work, serious health problems. You can get used to a shorter sleep schedule, but your body still needs enough sleep, 7 to 8 hours for adults.

Myth 3: You can replace lost sleep hours.

The only way to "catch up" with lost sleep is to rearrange your schedule of activities, especially your daily bedtime. Sleeping for only a few hours during the week and replacing them with nights all day on weekends will damage your biological clock. Finished, this habit will only make you more difficult to sleep.

Myth 4: It's normal to take sleeping pills continuously.

Sleeping pills only help you sleep at night when you drink them. However, this drug cannot overcome the root cause of insomnia. Even in the long run, besides being addictive, these drugs can have side effects such as changes in appetite, diarrhea, headaches, dry mouth or throat, heartburn, stomach aches and fatigue. Detecting and treating the root cause of your sleep difficulties is the best way to treat insomnia.

Myth 5: Naps can be an antidote to insomnia

Naps have a different effect on everyone. Some people might think that sleeping for about 15 minutes during the day will refresh the body and make it easier to sleep at night. But sleeping in people with insomnia usually makes it more difficult for them to sleep at night.

Myth 6: Sleep problems are common problems that don't need to be treated because they can go away on their own.
Sleep disorders can refer to serious illness or cause other problems. You should immediately consult a doctor to find out the main causes of sleep disorders.

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