Note of vaginal discharge in pregnant women and the following facts

Are there safe drugs for vaginal discharge in pregnant women? As a result, vaginal discharge occurs quite often during pregnancy. This condition is usually normal. But if it is due to an illness, vaginal discharge during pregnancy must be treated immediately.

Leucorrhoea during pregnancy is often caused by hormonal changes. In addition, changes in the cervix or cervix also affect the occurrence of vaginal discharge in pregnant women. In general, vaginal discharge is associated with increased gestational age.
Recognize the signs of vaginal discharge that is not normal

Leucorrhoea may be different in all women, including pregnant women. Depending on the cause. Each cause will cause different colors, aromas, and amounts of vaginal discharge.

Leucorrhoea in pregnant women who are still classified as normal is vaginal discharge that is odorless, colorless, unreasonable, free of itching and itching.

Although abnormal vaginal discharge in pregnant women causes the following complaints:
  • Emit an unpleasant, rotten or fishy odor.
  • Yellow, green or white, with a consistency similar to milk or cheese.
  • Causes pain and pain in the vagina and stomach.
  • Causes itching in or around the vagina.

Leucorrhoea for pregnant women and tips for overcoming it

In pregnant women, vaginal discharge caused by infection must be treated appropriately. Some of the following types of leucorrhoea drugs for pregnant women can be given by doctors, to overcome the perceived complaints:
1. Antimicrobial drugs

Of the various types of antimicrobial drugs, metronidazole is one of the leukorrhea drugs that can be used by pregnant women. Metronidazole is effective in treating vaginal discharge caused by trichomoniasis and bacterial infections.
2. Antibiotics

If vaginal discharge during pregnancy is caused by a bacterial infection or bacterial vaginosis, antibiotics will generally be the treatment of choice. The choice of antibiotic preparations that can be given consists of tablets which can be taken orally or orally.
3. antifungal drugs

Fungal infections are very likely to occur during pregnancy due to changes in pH or acidity in the intimate areas of pregnant women. Antifungal drugs that are often used to treat this type of vaginal discharge are usually in the form of creams, ointments or suppositories. Medications taken for vaginal discharge (oral preparations) are not recommended for pregnant women.

Leucorrhoea treatment and care during pregnancy requires direct discussion and consultation with a doctor. Thus, vaginal discharge treatment in pregnant women remains safe and in accordance with the conditions.

Because vaginal discharge occurs during pregnancy, pregnant women are advised to take precautions such as cleaning the vagina properly, using unscented soap, wearing comfortable and not too tight underwear, and not using protective clothing. -slip.

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