Recognize the causes of buds in the gums and how to prevent them

Lily of the valley is often characterized by circular oval or reddish wounds with a white, gray or yellow central part surrounded by a red line. Different areas on the surface of the oral cavity can be the site of mouth ulcers, without exception for gum ulcers.

Wherever it is, the presence of a chancre wound is very disturbing and can cause pain. It is important to always maintain oral hygiene and gums, to avoid thrush in the gums or other parts of the oral cavity.
Recognize the causes of buds in the gums and how to prevent them

Various possible causes

Candidiasis in the gums is caused by a number of conditions similar to lily of the valley on the tongue, lips or palate and the walls of the oral cavity. Here are some reasons:

  • Oral injury. Injuries are usually caused by accidental bites from the oral cavity or by excessive brushing. The gums then get hurt, which can then cause infection. The content of SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) in toothpaste or mouthwash can also trigger the growth of canker sores.
  • Nutritional deficiencies Insufficient nutrients, such as iron, folate, and vitamins B12 and C, are thought to trigger lily of the valley.
  • Sensitive to exposure to certain foods or drinks. Including coffee, chocolate, strawberries, beans, cheese and spicy foods.
  • Suffer from certain diseases. Certain diseases, such as herpes, inflammation of the digestive tract or disorders of the immune system, are also known to trigger canker sores.
  • Stress It is also thought that uncontrolled stress triggers canker sores. For example, when class exams or work are piling up in the office, you can get caught in canker sores.
  • Genetics. Although not yet known with certainty, the vulnerability of someone with canker sores can be passed down through generations to parents or close relatives.

Efforts to prevent thrush in the gums

Thrush in the gums can be painful and very disturbing, especially when chewing and swallowing food. However, don't worry, thrush in the gums is usually not a dangerous disease and will generally improve in 1-2 weeks.

Although it can heal itself, canker sores can be prevented by maintaining oral hygiene and gums. Brush your teeth and floss every day, after eating and before going to sleep, to prevent the growth of bacteria in your mouth. Choose a toothbrush with fine hair. Then set a schedule for routine dental checks at least every six months. Stop smoking that can cause gum disease.

Thrush that lasts more than two weeks can cause more annoying disorders, such as fever, malaise, general injuries, pain or discomfort when you talk, even when you eat and brush your teeth.

Don't wait until thrush enters and interferes with your daily activities. Inadequate nutritional intake, multiply water intake and always maintain oral hygiene to prevent thrush. Seek medical attention immediately if you have thrush in the gums or other areas of your mouth that are not healing.

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