Say goodbye to the danger of losing hair

If you feel something is moving in your hair and your scalp often feels itchy, it might be because there are lice in your hair. If not treated immediately and without treatment, the risk of lice can spread to people around you.

Head lice are parasitic insects that often attack humans. People who have lice on their scalp are often considered unable to keep their bodies clean, but this assumption is wrong. Everyone can catch fleas.

Adult lice that live in head hair the size of sesame seeds. These parasites suck blood from the scalp and can last for several weeks on your scalp. Each female can even give birth to more than 100 eggs.

If left untreated, head lice can cause a variety of problems, from scalp infections to decreased sleep quality.
Dangers of head lice that must be sought
Despite its small size, lice can cause serious health problems. Even if they are not controlled, the dangers of lice can not only endanger their own health, but also spread to those closest to them.

Here are some of the dangers of head lice if not immediately eradicated:
1. Scalp infection
Fleas can release their saliva when they bite the scalp. This can cause irritation and itching on the scalp, because the immune system responds to saliva.

Itching caused by lice can often make you scratch your scalp. If nothing is done, this habit can erode can cause sores and infections of the scalp.
2. Easy to infect others
Head lice can be easily transmitted from person to person, whether you are careful or not keeping your hair clean. These annoying insects usually spread directly from a person's hair to the hair of others around him, such as sleeping in the same bed as a person with head lice.

Head lice can also spread through objects that are used interchangeably, such as hats, helmets, hairpins, combs, towels or pillows. Therefore, avoid using personal equipment to prevent flea transmission.
3. Patients with head lice infections can become sleep deprivedHair lice is more active at night or in a dark atmosphere. Victims often scratch their heads throughout the night, so sleep time and quality will be disrupted.
4. Fleas can continue to multiplyIncreasing the number of lice can worsen itching and increase the risk of infection or eczema on the
scalp. Increasing the number of lice can also increase the risk of flea transmission.
5. Reduce trustThe confidence of people affected by fleas, children and adults, is very likely to decline due to the suffering associated with this disease. Especially if his friends make fun of him or are ridiculed because they are considered to pay less attention to personal hygiene maintenance.

How to get rid of head lice

If you don't want the danger of lice spreading and spreading to other people, free your beautiful hair from the clutches of these annoying parasites. There are several simple and inexpensive ways to get rid of head lice, namely:
Hair combs and treatments

Buy a special and fine tooth comb to get rid of lice. Then shampoo as usual using shampoo and conditioner. After wet hair or conditioner, comb with a cloth comb.

When you comb your hair, make sure the comb touches the scalp. Pull the comb from the roots to the ends of the hair in one motion then clean the comb with a tissue.

Make a move to all parts of the hair, at least twice in each section, to make sure there are no more lice or nits. Repeat combing hair once every 3 days, at least for the next 2 weeks.

To keep the comb clean, boil the comb for a few minutes or soak it in a disinfectant solution about 20 minutes after use.
Use essential oils

It is believed that some essential oils help kill head lice. Some essential oils that can be used are eucalyptus oil, cananga oil, clove oil, lavender oil, aniseed oil (aniseed oil) and tea tree oil.

How to use it is shampoo first, then apply essential oil to the comb and then dye the hair according to the method above.
Use anti-flea medication

You can also get rid of lice in your hair by using head lice medicines that are sold at pharmacies. Permethrin, pyrethrin, and ivermectin are drugs commonly used to eradicate lice. Generally, these medicines are available in the form of shampoo or cream. To use it properly, read the information printed on the package or consult with your doctor first.

In addition to people with head lice, people who live nearby or use personal belongings interchangeably with people with head lice also need treatment to get rid of head lice. This is to prevent fleas from returning.

If lice are considered very annoying and the above method cannot be managed, seek medical attention immediately for additional treatment.

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