The form of chicken pox interferes with appearance? That's the way to get rid of it

Scars of varicella that do not want to disappear can hamper appearance. Especially if it appears on the face or on body parts that are not covered by clothes. Come on, find out how to overcome it.
Chickenpox scars are a type of atrophic scar, a scar that is formed due to the loss of collagen in the skin during inflammation. This type of scar will make the skin sunken and uneven.
Various ways to get rid of chickenpox scars

In addition to inflammation, chicken pox used can also be caused by friction. Therefore, it is recommended not to scrape the skin when chicken pox, so as not to form a scar.

If old chicken pox has appeared, you can hide the following ways:
1. apply honey

In addition to delicious eaten directly, honey is also useful to hide old chicken pox.

The trick is to apply honey to old smallpox at night before going to bed. After that, cover the old smallpox with a bandage. In the morning, open the bandages and wash chicken pox with warm water.
2. Massage with coconut oil
Massaging chicken pox scars with coconut oil can also be an alternative to get rid of smallpox.

The trick is to spread a few drops of coconut oil on old pox while doing a light massage for about 10 minutes. Then let coconut oil soak into the skin for about an hour. For maximum results, do 2 to 4 times a day.
3. Exfoliate the skin

You can also peel the skin to hide old chicken pox. Exfoliation is a way to get rid of dead skin cells. There are two types of skin peels, mechanical peels and chemical peels.

Mechanical exfoliation can be done by scrubbing scrubs or other exfoliating devices, such as microdermabrasion, in the area of ​​ancient smallpox. Mechanical exfoliation with scrubs can be done alone at home, every 3 days.

When you exfoliate with chemicals, you can use special fluids or creams that can exfoliate the skin. But before exfoliating in this way, you must first consult a dermatologist.
4. Apply retinol cream
Retinol is a type of vitamin A that can stimulate the formation of collagen in the skin, to overcome submerged smallpox scars.

For optimal results, use retinol cream regularly every night. If your skin becomes irritated when using retinol cream, stop using it and consult a doctor.
5. Stick the silicone gel
Another way to get rid of smallpox is by applying silicone gel to the skin. Silicone gel is useful for softening and flattening smallpox.

For optimal results, you can apply silicone gel to the skin that has smallpox scars about 12 hours a day. But remember, before using silicone gel, consult a dermatologist first.
6. Use sunscreen
When doing outdoor activities, don't forget to put sunscreen on your skin. Indeed, skin with chicken pox scars will be more sensitive to sun exposure.

You can use the method above to get rid of chicken pox that is blocking its appearance. Consult with a dermatologist first so that treatment options can be tailored to your skin condition.

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