These Are the Benefits and How to Perform Postpartum Exercise after Childbirth

After giving birth, many mothers are reluctant or lazy to exercise. Maybe because you are tired of caring for your baby or you still feel pain after giving birth, so lazy to move. In fact, sports such as puerperal gymnastics have many benefits for the body after giving birth, you know!
If you give birth normally, you can do puerperal exercises a few days after giving birth. But if you give birth by cesarean section, make sure the stomach ache heals first. Usually, the stitches heal in 6-8 weeks.

These Are the Benefits and How to Perform Postpartum Exercise after Childbirth
Even in this case, it would be better if puerperal exercises were practiced if you were physically and mentally prepared, or until the doctor allowed it.
Some benefits of postpartum gymnastics
Like other sports, puerperal gymnastics also provides many benefits for the body. Some of the benefits of postpartum puerperal exercise are:

  • Restore the condition of the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis. This can help reduce muscle pain after giving birth.
  • Increase your energy and stamina. This can help you be more excited about caring for your newborn baby.
  • Helps to lose weight
  • Increase levels of the endorphin hormone that can make you happy.
  • Reduce stress and prevent depression after giving birth.
  • Makes you sleep better
  • Helps overcome urinary incontinence, a condition that prevents you from holding back urination.
  • Tighten the vagina.
Postpartum gymnastic movements that you can practice

If you are interested in puerperal gymnastics, you can try the following movements:
1. Pelvic floor exercises

Puerperal exercises are ideal for tightening the muscles around the uterus, vagina, bladder and anus. This movement can be done by standing, sitting or lying down. Here's how to do it:

  • Make sure the stomach muscles relax. Don't hold your breath and don't push.
  • Inhale, then exhale by tightening the muscles that hold your urine. Maintain for 4 to 5
  • After that, you can extend the pressure for 8 to 10 seconds while breathing normally.
  • If you can stretch your muscles for 10 seconds, quickly create 5-fold pressure.
  • Repeat the puerperal exercise series three times a day.

2. Light Abdominal Exercises

Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet touching the floor. Slowly tighten the pelvic and pelvic floor muscles, then lift your head and shoulders as if you are sitting. Repeat this movement 10-15 times.
3. Back training

Lie on the floor or bed and put a pillow under your head. Then bend your knees, contract the pelvic floor and lower abdominal muscles and bend your back for a few seconds. After that, realign again. Repeat this movement 10 times and try not to hold your breath.

Although puerperal exercise is good for you, it is not recommended to overdo it. Remember that during the first months of labor, your body still needs time to recover. Perform puerperal exercises if the body is able and recovered after giving birth.

If in doubt, is your body ready to exercise or not, try asking your doctor first.

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