Tips on Healthy and Romantic Kissing

Kissing is not really a way to show affection to your partner. Not only able to bring intimacy, kissing has counted benefits for the health of the body. Therefore, recognize healthy kissing tips and stay romantic.

A romantic kiss on two people who have an interest in one another is sure to be a truly intimate and sensual experience. More than that, a kiss is an important foundation in a love affair.

A variety of healthy kissing tips

Here are more than one healthy kissing tips and are able to keep interactions with your partner always romantic:

1. Clean the mouth first.

Before starting a kiss, try to clean your mouth first so that fresh breath and clean teeth. In addition, this method is able to minimize the risk of disease. At least, regularly clean the mouth together with brushing teeth at least 2 times a day.
2. No rush when kissing the lips

When you run a lip kiss with your partner, run together relaxed and not in a hurry. This is very useful so that you are more and more relaxed, so your partner also feels the same usefulness.

Not only that, together in no hurry when kissing the lips, you are also able to stay away from the risk of hurting the lips of your partner.

3. Avoid kissing when sick

Tips for healthy kissing onwards is to stay away from kisses in an atmosphere of pain, such as temporary thrush, toothache, coughing, colds, flu, and herpes. That's because kissing can easily transmit the risk of infection and bacteria to a partner.

4. Variation kisses with your partner

An opinion poll found that the intensity of kissing for a long-married couple was reduced. In fact, a kiss in a relationship must be maintained as a bridge of affection and building mental freshness.

You can carry out variations of kisses, so it comes from kissing on the cheeks, forehead, lips, to the neck of the couple to be more romantic.
The Health Benefits of Kissing
Not only in terms of sensuality, a kiss that is carried out regularly with a partner also adds to the health function, including:

Kissing can reduce allergy symptoms

Based on a study, kissing with a partner for at least 30 minutes can be enough to relieve allergic symptoms in patients with atopic eczema and seasonal allergies. However, this step always can not replace drugs to overcome the allergic condition.

Reduce pain

A person's natural reflex while kissing is hugging a partner. Naturally, hugging can reduce anxiety and depression. When hugging, the body releases the hormone oxytocin so the body relaxes. This can then reduce the pain that occurs severe (in the long term).

Reducing blood pressure

Kissing is considered to increase your heart rate by dilating blood vessels. When your blood vessels dilate, your blood flow will increase, so that it has an immediate decreasing effect on your blood pressure.

You and your partner can carry out so many different kinds of healthy kissing tips above to get a health function, while keeping the relationship always romantic.

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