5 types of healthy food for newborn mothers

5 types of healthy food for newborn mothers

After giving birth, you certainly can not wait to eat all the things that are lacking during pregnancy, such as sashimi, coffee, durian, instant noodles, and so on. Other mothers even want the body to regain its size as soon as possible before becoming pregnant.

One thing to remember is that you are now a nursing mother. Of course, what you eat will affect the quality of the milk and nutrients absorbed by the baby.

The good news is that to be able to produce milk, your body will burn about 500 calories a day. This means you can eat a piece of chocolate without worrying about gaining weight.

In fact, regardless of the amount on the scale, the most important thing is to provide a nutritious supply for the body when breastfeeding.

But if you really focus on reducing the numbers on the postnatal scale, you need to adjust your diet. Diets for nursing mothers must be healthy and nutritious so as not to inhibit milk production.

What diet foods can you consume for nursing mothers?

5 foods for nursing mothers

1. fish

The more fish you eat, the higher your omega 3 fatty acid content. Omega-3 fatty acids are very important for the development of the baby's eyes and brain.

Eating omega-3 fatty acids is also good for health because it can prevent heart disease and cancer. So what fish is good for nursing mothers?

Maybe you often hear that salmon is recommended because of its high omega 3. content. However, there are local fish that also contain these fatty acids, such as mackerel, cow's milk and skipjack.
2. Low-fat dairy products

Which do you prefer among yogurt, milk or cheese? Dairy products are an important part of the diet of nursing mothers. Milk can provide more vitamin D, provide protein and vitamin B. In addition, milk is also the best source of calcium.

If the mother consumes milk, it will be very good for baby's bone growth. Adding at least three cups of milk every day to the food will help meet the calcium and energy needs of the mother and baby.

3. Lean beef

New mothers need more energy to care for their babies throughout the day. Lean beef is an iron-rich food that can increase energy levels. Beef is also rich in protein and vitamin B-12, which is very good for breastfeeding mothers and babies.

4. Red rice

You may be tempted to stop eating carbohydrates immediately to reach your initial weight. You should not do it. Losing weight too quickly will actually stop the production of breast milk.

The healthiest way is to choose the type of carbohydrate that is good for the body. Try replacing brown rice with brown rice to get more energy for your daily activities.

Brown rice will provide enough calories for the body while ensuring the quality of breast milk for your baby. In addition, brown rice contains more fiber than sugar, so it is suitable for nursing mothers.

5. water

Nursing mothers can become dehydrated because their new activity will use up energy. To maintain energy levels and milk production, make sure your fluid needs are met. The mother can meet the needs of bodily fluids by drinking juice, milk or water.

Water is very good for maintaining the immune system of the mother, also to meet the body's mineral needs. In addition, limit consumption of caffeinated beverages, such as coffee or tea, to a maximum of 2 to 3 glasses a day.

Consuming too much caffeine for nursing mothers can make babies irritable and make them sleep deprived.

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