7 diseases of children who often attack toddlers

In the first year of childhood, parents will learn a lot about how your baby communicates. By understanding the differences in the crying baby, parents will understand if he is sick or healthy.

Often, crying indicates that the baby is uncomfortable or sick. Here are some common illnesses in infants, often encountered in the first year of birth.

1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

GERD occurs when stomach acid rises to the esophagus, causing pain, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and tooth erosion or tooth decay due to stomach acid. This is because the valve between the baby's esophagus and the abdominal muscles has not fully developed.

Babies will be more difficult to cry and colic. Other symptoms include vomiting or spitting up, and lifting legs or arching your back. Sometimes a baby's voice sounds hoarse or erotic.

2. catch a cold

Viral infections are considered to be the main cause of flu, so the nasal membranes and respiratory tract produce mucus.

The baby will have a fever in between the symptoms. Sometimes difficulty breathing, coughing, shortness of breath and disturbance in eating or sleeping habits. Babies also experience sneezing or loss of appetite.

3. VRS

RSV, or syncytial respiratory virus, is a virus that attacks the baby's airways during the first year of birth and can be potentially very serious.

This baby's disease is a major cause of hospitalization for respiratory disorders in children under 1 year.

Symptoms of RSV include colds, fever, cough and seizures. These symptoms can last for several weeks. If the virus infects the bronchi, it can cause bronchitis and pneumonia.

4. Difficulty doing one's needs

After a baby has eaten solid food, a common illness in infants is difficult stool. Hard dirt will hurt when you want to be lifted and the baby will be reluctant to practice cleanliness.

Difficulty in defecation can be caused by pain associated with hard stools, lack of fluid intake and trauma. For example, in the toilet, cockroaches are scary. If the baby does not need it, the stool will become harder because water is absorbed by the intestinal wall.

To check whether the baby is having problems with it, pay attention to the stool frequency and stool texture.

5. Diarrhea

This baby's disease is indeed an ordinary attack. Babies affected by diarrhea will often defecate and the texture is very runny without porridge.

The cause of diarrhea is caused by a virus, but it can also be bacteria, allergies or certain drugs. Dehydration threatens baby's disease because it will lose a lot of body fluids.

Beware of symptoms of dehydration in infants due to diarrhea as follows:
  • transmission
  • difficult
  • Eyes thrown
  • Casting Fontanelle
  • Pee a little
  • Reducing skin elasticity

6. ear infection
When a baby has a cold or flu, mucus can accumulate in the middle ear. In addition, this liquid can become a den of bacteria and infect the eardrum.

The baby will experience ear pain so cry and cry. Ear infections in infants, including common diseases.

The symptoms of ear infections are: the baby will be difficult, wake up at night due to illness, do not want to lie down, cry when breastfeeding and emit a yellowish odor that smells of the ear.
7. fever

In fact, fever is a symptom of a baby's disease. As a "reminder light" or "alarm" of the body, a fever indicates that there is a disorder that you need to pay attention to.

If your baby's body temperature is hot, immediately take a thermometer to check his condition. Babies are considered to have a fever if their body temperature exceeds 37 degrees Celsius.

Infantile disease can make many parents confused and worried. However, this common disease in infants will usually heal with proper care.

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