7 ways to get rid of warts on the face

7 ways to get rid of warts on the face

It is very difficult to imagine that humans can live without contact with viruses. Even the cleanest person will definitely get a virus, especially HPV, which causes warts on the face.

Yes, facial warts appear due to infection with human papillomavirus. HPV can land anywhere on the surface of the table, towels, floor, door handles, etc. Every day, humans access all objects. In addition, this virus is resistant to heat and drying process.

Because HPV is most likely to cause the formation of warts on the face, the main weapon we now need to know is how to get rid of warts on the face.

There is no specific remedy for removing warts on the face, but many techniques can be used to remove warts.

Techniques for removing warts on the face

In fact, warts on the face can disappear by itself. Without any treatment. But sometimes it takes years to wait for a wart to disappear by itself.

If you want to let the warts on the face disappear on their own, avoid touching as much as possible. Touching the wart on the face means giving way to the virus that causes the growth of warts elsewhere in your body.

Remember that warts can grow again and again, even if they are gone.

And now, let's look at 7 ways to get rid of facial warts that you can do yourself at home:

1. Garlic Extract

The first way to get rid of warts on the face is to use garlic extract. Garlic contains allium sativum, an ingredient that prevents the spread of viruses.

To do this, simply mash the garlic and apply it on the skin of the face. Cover it with tape or gauze and repeat this process several times.

Itching or burning on the skin can cause chemical reactions. Rinse affected skin immediately with garlic.

2. lemons

Lemon juice contains citric acid, an acid that helps defeat viruses. The problem is, you have to mix lemon juice with water. Apply to the wart area on the face for 6 consecutive weeks.
3. Pineapple

Not only lemon, pineapple is also effective in removing warts on the face. Pineapple contains an enzyme that can burn warts if applied regularly for several weeks.

You just tie pineapple juice with cotton before going to bed every day. Be careful pineapple can damage healthy skin.
4. Plaster

Not negligent, but the method of removing warts on the face by pulling it using a type of micro dressing is a method that is also recommended by doctors. Don't use ordinary tapes!

The trick is to attach the micropore to the area of ​​the wart and let the wart glide on its own. After that, clean the wart growth area with pumice to remove food debris.

Usually, only doing this method once is effective enough to get rid of warts.

5. Banana peel

Don't just get rid of the old banana peels that you just consumed. Instead, rub the inside of a banana peel in the wart area of ​​the face for several minutes. In addition to rubbing, you can also tape banana peels with tape.

Of course, this method will not work instantly. Repeat every day for several weeks. The content of banana peel enzymes can kill bacteria in warts.

6. Baking soda

Look in your kitchen, usually there is baking soda ready. Instead of cooking, try this time using baking soda to remove stubborn warts from the face.

Mix 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda with a small bowl of water. After mixing, compress the warts with a cloth soaked in baking soda water.

Baking soda can be an antiseptic that can help remove warts.

7. potatoes

Potatoes that are still raw are also useful for removing warts on the face. You can even do this several times a day.

The acid content of potatoes will prevent the virus from causing wart growth can develop. If this is done regularly for 2-3 weeks, the warts will gradually decrease.

How do you avoid warts?

As mentioned above, warts develop due to HPV infection. Usually, the skin is open, for example when the wound will be more easily covered with warts. To avoid this, try some of these methods:

  • Always wash your hands with clean water after touching unclean objects.
  • Do not touch the face when the hands are not completely clean
  • Do not use eye drops or makeup
  • When there are wounds on the face, protect and keep them clean

It's also important to make sure you find an immediate way to get rid of warts. Do not linger, let the warts grow because this can cause multiples.

Either by natural means or through medical treatment, everything can be done to remove warts on the face. No less important, do not treat warts on the face, especially those that develop near the eyes and nose, because of the risk of irritation to sensitive skin.

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