Do you already know how to get rid of Acne Stone effectively?

Do you already know how to get rid of Acne Stone effectively?

Guests who are not asked on the face like pimples are sometimes annoying. Many people want to know how to get rid of cystic acne so that the skin can become healthy again. However, there is a skin problem that is similar to acne stones, namely rosacea. The symptoms are very similar.

Acne stones and rosacea are also the most common skin problems. But regardless of the frequency of these problems, it is sometimes difficult to get rid of acne and rosacea.

The way to get rid of cystic acne is to make sure it's not rosacea. Never try to pinch cystic acne, use a moisturizer and use the right medicine.

How to get rid of cystic acne

For people with persistent acne, the most effective way to get rid of cystic acne is to consult a skin specialist. They can be very knowledgeable about your skin condition and ask for the right treatment.

But not everyone has enough resources such as time, energy or the cost of consultation with a skin specialist.

If this is the case, try the following methods to get rid of cystic acne:

Don't squeeze pimples

One of the hardest things that acne sufferers must avoid is to refrain from squeezing it. Never press a button, especially a stone button.

Maybe in adolescence, pimples that appear on the face can be easily solved by pressing. But when it comes to treating cystic acne, it contains white blood cells that cannot be compressed.

You not only refrain from squeezing, you must refrain from touching the stone button. You never know whether your hands are clean enough or not. Pressing the button will only make things worse.


Acne is anchored so deep under the skin that it can sometimes be felt as it develops. When acne starts to grow, don't panic.

Take the ice cube and compress it directly to the area that needs to be covered with zits for a few seconds. This method will reduce the redness and size of the pimples that may appear.

This method is very effective if the button appears suddenly when you have to move. Cover with a corrector before returning to your day.

Choose the right face cleanser

The key to a face without cystic acne is to clean your face properly. Clean thoroughly in a few steps to ensure all dirt after the activity is completed.

People with cystic acne should use cleansers that contain salicylic acid, which helps remove excess sebum, remove dead skin cells and dry pimples.
Get to know acne and rosacea stones

Cystic acne can be the most traumatic type of acne for people who have it - or always - have it. It's not just a matter of the size of the button that "colonizes" a person's face, the pain is incredible.

Not only that, skin care that you usually do at home is sometimes not effective enough to get rid of cystic acne. In addition, after you press the button, it can spread more and more.

So what's the difference with rosacea?

As a result, acne stones are often confused with rosacea - and vice versa - that is their form. Both reddish bumps that appear on the face. This red color can be permanent or disappear by itself.

Other indicators can be observed from several indicators:

Black dot

Rosacea at first glance looks like a pimple, but without blackheads. While acne usually also appears with blackheads.

Reddish skin
In rosacea, redness appears in the middle of the face (cheeks, nose, chin, forehead). In pimples, redness will only be seen in the surrounding area just run away.

Oily skin

In people with cystic acne, the skin is usually oily, especially in parts such as the forehead, nose and chin. In rosacea, oil is not visible on the face but only the pores are clearly visible.

Blood vessel

Rosacea makes blood vessels easily visible, but this is not the case with acne stones.

Skin texture

In people with cystic acne, skin texture tends to be rough because of the wounds caused by acne. But in the case of rosacea, the skin tends to be sensitive to product exposure, so it is irritated by burns.


If cystic acne doesn't usually cause eye pain, it's not like rosacea. Patients will suffer from eye problems such as swelling, redness, until the discomfort continues.

So, to distinguish rosacea acne from rosacea and know how to get rid of the zit button properly, first identify what you're experiencing. Only then, choose the most appropriate method and in accordance with the state of your skin.

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