ADHD Definition

ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder that prevents children from focusing, as well as impulsive and hyperactive behavior, so that it can affect the educational outcomes of children. child.

Until now, the main cause of ADHD is not known with certainty. However, it is thought that this condition is influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Besides occurring in children, ADHD can also occur in adults

ADHD Definition
ADHD symptoms

The main symptom of ADHD is that it is difficult to attract attention and behave impulsively and hyperactively. Patients can not be silent and always want to move.

Symptoms of ADHD usually occur in children under 12 years. But in many cases, ADHD symptoms can be seen as early as age 3. ADHD that occurs in children can continue into adulthood.
Causes and risk factors for ADHD

The cause of ADHD is not known with certainty. However, several studies have shown that several factors can increase the risk of developing ADHD for children. These risk factors include genetic and environmental factors.
ADHD diagnosis
The diagnosis of ADHD is made through the cooperation of various parties, namely pediatricians, child psychiatrists, parents and schools. The diagnostic process involves interviews, with children, parents and teachers.

In addition, the pediatrician will also do a physical examination and support to investigate other causes that can cause symptoms similar to ADHD.
ADHD treatment steps

ADHD treatment can be in the form of medication and psychotherapy. In addition to patients, parents, families, caregivers and school teachers also need to be guided to care for children with ADHD. Although ADHD cannot be cured completely, treatment can relieve ADHD symptoms and allow people to live a normal life.

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